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- 2014/02/23 [L..T] Symposium: How to understand Hobby Lobby
- 2014/01/30 [L..T] Opting Out Of Medicaid Expansion: The Health And Financial Impacts
- 2012/09/09 [L..T] Hobby Lobby v. Sebelius "This is a challenge to regulations issued under the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act that would force religiously-motivated business owners like Plaintiffs to violate their faith under threat of millions of dollars in fines."
- 2009/11/04 [L..T] The Public Option Fight Continues – But How Exactly Does Reform Work? “The basic theme of health care reform is that insurance would be mandatory, subsidized and regulated.” - an overview of the bills currently being reconciled
- 2009/07/15 [L..T] A face of the uninsured, a state of denial “A proponent himself of single-payer when he was but an Illinois legislator, Obama now counsels that the way to achieve universal coverage is by reforming – or "building on" – the private insurance system while bolstering the public insurance sector.”