Issuepedia:Filing Room/to file

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This page is for miscellaneous bits of information which might be useful in the future.

To File

See also: news too fast to digest and Rich Veins


  • found 2007-06-14: Dishonesty is sanitized in a world of spin: good example of why news should be wikified. Potential material for Issuepedia:Newspaper Challenge.
  • 2007-06-06
    • The Ballad of Ake Green: "bloggers have been noting the acceleration of a right-wing disinformation campaign that I first noticed on election day in 2004."
    • Cities fight bill to limit broadband in North Carolina: "House Bill 1587, "The Local Government Fair Competition Act," is supported by the telecommunications and cable industries, which say cities have unfair advantages—they don't pay taxes and can subsidize a money-losing Internet business with revenue from the city budget. The bill sets out a long list of strict financial and political requirements should a government get into the broadband business. But the N.C. League of Municipalities and a growing number of cities oppose the measure, saying it would effectively make it impossible for local governments to provide Internet service in rural and low-income areas where private industry has decided not to."
  • 2007-06-03 GOP chief: New strategy key: "At the end of the day, I believe fully the president is doing the right thing, and I think all we need is some attacks on American soil like we had on [ 9/11 ], and the naysayers will come around very quickly to appreciate not only the commitment for President Bush, but the sacrifice that has been made by men and women to protect this country,” Milligan said.' He probably didn't mean it the way it sounds, but it does rather illustrate the kind of "thinking" at work among Bush supporters: better to have another 9/11 than to have to keep dealing with (much less acknowledge the validity of dissent). The right wing truly does have more in common with the Islamic extremists than with most everyone else.
  • An idea, inspired by this entry: people should be able to sue media outlets for reporting false information. The fine should be proportional to the number of viewers or readers, with some kind of scale set for severity of the error. So local newspapers wouldn't be hit very hard, but large "trusted" newspapers would... and TV news would get clobbered. (The conclusions Rove draws, though, are still questionable at best, even if his facts were right.)




  • found 2007-03-30: Money! Money? money...: an explanation of the evolution of money, in understandable English
  • 2007-03-27: Banning Legos by John J. Miller: Am I being paranoid, or are they trying to make it sound like an example of liberal lunacy? The author never actually *says* so, but he gives a carefully disparaging spin to phrases like "social theorists" and "social justice"...
    • Why We Banned Legos: the original article. Ok, maybe it is looniness. Not so much liberal as classical-left, i.e. socialist. Seems to me they took a great opportunity to work out a better system and teach the kids the kind of critical thinking necessary to build and maintain a democratic society, and blew it by swinging the pendulum to the complete opposite extreme. --Woozle 14:35, 28 March 2007 (EDT)
    • Re-thinking Re-education : The Story of the Hilltop Children's Center in Seattle: another righty rant taking more explicit advantage of the opportunity to paint more moderate liberals in a bad light
  • found 2007-03-25:
    • In response to Mix’n’Match: "Opponents have expressed strong views; Josephine Quintavelle of Comment on Reproductive Ethics said: "This is abhorrent ... there is a basic human feeling that animals and humans do not mix in these areas." Calum Mackellar of the Scottish Council on Human Bioethics said "In this kind of procedure you are mixing at a very intimate level animal eggs and human chromosomes and you may begin to undermine the whole distinction between animals and humans."
      • It may be abhorrent to you, but to most of us it seems like a perfectly natural and reasonable thing to do in the course of the investigations described, and an essential step in working out some badly-needed medical techniques. Get over your high-and-mighty posturing and get back to the middle ages where you belong. "Undermine the whole distinction between animals and humans" – WTF? And just why is that a problem? --Woozle 19:43, 25 March 2007 (EDT)
    • Academics For Academic Freedom: "We, the undersigned, believe the following two principles to be the foundation of academic freedom:
      1. that academics, both inside and outside the classroom, have unrestricted liberty to question and test received wisdom and to put forward controversial and unpopular opinions, whether or not these are deemed offensive, and
      2. that academic institutions have no right to curb the exercise of this freedom by members of their staff, or to use it as grounds for disciplinary action or dismissal."
  • if there isn't already a page about this sort of site (e.g. BuyBlue), then there needs to be. In my present braindead state of mind, though, I can't think what page it should be on.
  • 2007-03-04 America's mayor - you sure you want him?: some opinion on Rudy Guiliani, in case he becomes... important, later on.
  • found 2007-03-02, dated 2002-11-18: The Darknet and the Future of Content Distribution by Peter Biddle, Paul England, Marcus Peinado, and Bryan Willman, all of Microsoft Corporation: discusses the economics of DRM


  • found 2007-02-28: The Stewardship: writings and other things devoted to "the assumption of responsibility for the welfare of the world. That welfare requires much effort, that responsibility is realized in many ways. Most stewardship is limited, if not compromised, and most sites on the internet with an orientation towards stewardship are likewise limited. This site is meant to provide a voice to the central principles of stewardship, to the unified progressive cause of preserving and improving the world."
  • 2007-02-16 Texas Republicans are anti-Copernicus: the Flat Earth Society lives!
  • Myths about the developing world, a TEDtalk by Hans Rosling: includes demonstration of very interesting dynamic graphing system, and description of efforts to make global economic information more easily available


  • found 2007-01-13: Text and Collaboration: A personal manifesto for the Text Outline Project by Larry Sanger (on back burner "until 2007 or 2008"): some interesting and possibly useful observations on collaborative knowledge-building and decisionmaking
  • 2007-01-11 Must-know terms for the 21st Century intellectual: Redux: accelerating change, anthropic principle, artificial general intelligence, augmented reality, Bayesian Rationality, Cosmological Eschatology (aka physical eschatology), Engineered Negligible Senescence, existential risks, extended identity, Fermi Paradox, friendly AI, human enhancement (guided evolution), human exceptionalism (a.k.a. human speciesism, human raceism, human superiority, etc.), information theoretic death, mass automation, memetic engineering, mind transfer, molecular assembler, neurodiversity, neural interface device, noosphere, open source, participatory panopticon, political globalization, post-scarcity economy, quantum computation, radical luddism, remedial ecology, simulation argument, soft paternalism, technological singularity
  • found 2007-01-11: Cryptome: what exactly does this site do, and is it useful?




  • 2006-10-17 The Anti-Paranoid Style in American Politics: article about how it seems to be fashionable to dismiss conspiracy theories by simply labeling them as "conspiracy theories", rather than actually discussing the alleged facts. Comments mention Project MKULTRA, an actual CIA project which sounds like raving paranoia when taken out of context. Possibly for conspiracy theories article? Article about how useless the press is these days?
  • found 2006-10-06: Gary Trauner, Wyoming Democrat for Congress




  • 2006-07-17: America’s Broken Bootstraps by Leanne Shear, WireTap
  • 2006-07-07:
    • Russia's Signal to Stations Is Clear: Cut U.S. Radio Censorship on the rise again in the former Soviet Union?
    • Al-Qaeda 'bid to infiltrate MI5' (related: [1]) story includes a number of interesting details:
      • Al Qaeda is perhaps not as fragmented (post-Afghanistan) as some have claimed
      • "the flow of new [terrorism-related] cases shows no sign of abating - if anything it is accelerating."
      • polls indicate that around 400,000 people in the UK are sympathetic to violent jihad around the world
      • "The editor of al-Hayat newspaper in London, Maher Othman, believes that humiliation is now a major factor in radicalising someone to the point of violence."









2005 ??

  • Network 2005 (free video, with reviews): 'A professor and 60 Minutes producer speaks candidly about the impetus for suppression of reality in media coverage of the so-called "war on terror".'
  • found 2005-11-22 Religious Tolerance: much discussion and research
  • found 2005-06-09 Marc Perkel: some interesting links, though the text is a bit dated
  • found 2005-06-03 The Downing Street Memo

