Issuepedia:Filing Room/to file

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This page is for miscellaneous bits of information which might be useful in the future.

To File

See also: news too fast to digest and Rich Veins


  • found 2007-06-15:
  • found 2007-06-14:
  • 2007-06-06
    • The Ballad of Ake Green: "bloggers have been noting the acceleration of a right-wing disinformation campaign that I first noticed on election day in 2004."
    • Cities fight bill to limit broadband in North Carolina: "House Bill 1587, "The Local Government Fair Competition Act," is supported by the telecommunications and cable industries, which say cities have unfair advantages—they don't pay taxes and can subsidize a money-losing Internet business with revenue from the city budget. The bill sets out a long list of strict financial and political requirements should a government get into the broadband business. But the N.C. League of Municipalities and a growing number of cities oppose the measure, saying it would effectively make it impossible for local governments to provide Internet service in rural and low-income areas where private industry has decided not to."
  • 2007-06-03 GOP chief: New strategy key: "At the end of the day, I believe fully the president is doing the right thing, and I think all we need is some attacks on American soil like we had on [ 9/11 ], and the naysayers will come around very quickly to appreciate not only the commitment for President Bush, but the sacrifice that has been made by men and women to protect this country,” Milligan said.' He probably didn't mean it the way it sounds, but it does rather illustrate the kind of "thinking" at work among Bush supporters: better to have another 9/11 than to have to keep dealing with (much less acknowledge the validity of dissent). The right wing truly does have more in common with the Islamic extremists than with most everyone else.
  • An idea, inspired by this entry: people should be able to sue media outlets for reporting false information. The fine should be proportional to the number of viewers or readers, with some kind of scale set for severity of the error. So local newspapers wouldn't be hit very hard, but large "trusted" newspapers would... and TV news would get clobbered. (The conclusions Rove draws, though, are still questionable at best, even if his facts were right.)
