Anthony Watts
Revision as of 22:49, 1 April 2010 by Woozle (talk | contribs) (Created page with '==About== category:peopleWillard Anthony Watts is a climate change skeptic and weathercaster for KPAY 1290 AM radio in Chico, California. He founded the web site [[surfa…')
Willard Anthony Watts is a climate change skeptic and weathercaster for KPAY 1290 AM radio in Chico, California.
He founded the web site in 2007, and was a speaker at the 2009 International Conference on Climate Change organized by the Heartland Institute.
- Wikipedia
Conservapedia: no information as of 2010-04-01dKosopedia: no information as of 2010-04-01- SourceWatch
- Heartland Institute bio