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Issuepedia is currently run on a budget of less than $10/month (the cost of the shared server account, which hosts about a dozen web sites; the labor is donated). The budget to rent the server is paid for by profits from [http://vbz.net vbz.net].
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The budget to rent the server is paid for by profits from [http://vbz.net vbz.net].
If you find Issuepedia to be a useful and worthwhile resource, you can contribute in any of the following ways:
If you find Issuepedia to be a useful and worthwhile resource, you can contribute in any of the following ways:

Revision as of 09:59, 10 September 2007

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If you find Issuepedia to be a useful and worthwhile resource, you can contribute in any of the following ways:

We are also interested in exploring the possibility of going nonprofit in order to improve fundraising options; if anyone has any information about this process, please feel free to contact us.

Issuepedia is owned and operated by Woozle, who also owns and operates HTYP