Terran abiogenesis

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Terran abiogenesis is the hypothesized event in which abiogenesis took place on Earth and ultimately gave rise to all known species. Evidence so far available supports this as the most likely hypothesis for explaining the origin of life on Earth.

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Most mythologies include a story explaining the origins of non-supernatural life on Earth. These stories almost universally presume that present-day species emerged in essentially their current forms, and hence assume no evolution; the creation of life is the same as the creation of species.

These stories also usually involve the existence of some supernatural life-form ("gods" such as Thor, or a monotheistic "God"), although in some cases the story is more that "it just happened". Norse mythology, for example, says that the first two organisms were Ymir (a "frost giant") and a snow-white cow, both of whom happened to emerge from Ginungagap, the great swirling of frost at the beginning of the universe. These two organisms then gave rise to further organisms by similar "happenings".

The predominant mythologies of the industrial and information ages – the Abrahamic monotheisms (Christianity, Islam, and Judaism) – all hold that a supernatural being called "God" created everything; this belief is known as creationism.

Mormonism apparently does have some doctrinal beliefs regarding life on other planets and God's involvement in their creation. (I don't know if they get any more specific about abiogenesis than "God created all life", however. --Woozle (talk) 16:19, 1 March 2015 (EST))