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Verizon is a telecommunications company providing wired and wireless telephone services and internet in the United States.

Negative Points

In the areas they serve, Verizon seems to have a monopoly on wired phone services and DSL (a form of broadband internet).

Verizon is apparently against Internet Neutrality (see Sourcewatch:Network neutrality legislation).

Verizon engages in the practice of having "local toll areas" which, although apparently something of an industry standard practice these days, is still ethically questionable and has resulted in severe overbilling in at least one case (see HTYP for details).

Verizon's DSL (broadband internet) service also blocks the SMTP port (port 25), thus requiring customers to use their SMTP servers to send email. Furthermore, their SMTP servers will not accept email whose return address is not hosted by them. The combination of these two policies effectively restricts DSL customers to using email addresses, thus increasing the difficulty of switching. This practice is reprehensible and anti-competitive. Furthermore, their help page for setting up third-party email clients does not mention tnis blockage, leading to an enormous wastage of time trying to figure out why email sending is not working.




News & Views

  • 2007-10-16 Verizon Says It Turned Over Data Without Court Orders: "Verizon Communications, the nation's second-largest telecom company, told congressional investigators that it has provided customers' telephone records to federal authorities in emergency cases without court orders hundreds of times since 2005."
  • 2007-10-08 The 700 MHz Dramedy Continues: examples of Verizon's legal maneuvrings over broadcast frequency bandwidth

Quotes About

2007-09-27: One of Verizon's lower-tier competitors (so this does need to be verified!) reports:

Will Easton of Working Assets said, in an email on 2007-09-27:

This morning's New York Times reported that Verizon Wireless last week refused to allow text messages from NARAL Pro-Choice America, calling them too "controversial" and "unsavory." Unsavory?

Verizon quickly reversed themselves this morning, under heavy criticism. But this episode only shows Verizon's underlying instinct to silence messages based upon the content of those messages.

2006-04-27 Verizon has apparently sent faxes to government officials using the names of people who had not authorized those faxes – not just an astroturf campaign, but an illegal one:

Excerpted from :

Edward McKenna is the mayor of Red Bank, New Jersey.

In a normal week, he receives about 10 faxes from constituents. In three days last November, McKenna says he got more than 200.

EDWARD McKENNA: "Those faxes all purported to come from people who said they were Red Bank residents. In fact, each fax started out by saying, "I am a Red Bank resident and I vote."

These so-called residents all wrote in support of new legislation to increase competition in the cable industry. McKenna noticed the faxes had names, but no signatures.

EDWARD McKENNA: "When I called them, a number of them said they had not authored any such letter. Nor did they authorize anyone to send it on their behalf."

He says the traced the fax number back to an organization funded by the telephone giant Verizon.