Emmanuel Afraka/2009-04-28 Our Berkelium Atom Update 1 Part 1

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The text has been reformatted somewhat for readability, but it's rather a lost cause. --Woozle 19:27, 19 June 2009 (UTC)


My Dearly Beloved Brother Melaku Lakew,

With you being the economic professor among the six people that represent the two forms of the Two Witnesses, I thought it wise to address this particular email article directly to you. One of the biggest differences between the Mentally Superior and the Mentally Inferior is the fact that, while the Mentally Inferior is motivated by material things, the Mentally Superior is motivated by mental things, or spiritual things. The whole purpose of evolution on earth was to produce a human brain with the mental capacity to retain within its molecular, motor, and mental activities a Living Soul with the potential of becoming one with the Pure and Perfect Mind of God the Creator himself, and one with the Creation of the Universe. Thus we can truly say, whether positively or negatively, all life on earth is involved in the Evolution of Intelligence on earth.

Prophecies of The Great Pyramid

19852 (30th Nov.)

Powerful spiritual influences start
to irradiate the

Halley's Comet, first Reagan-Gorbachev
summit; new spirit
of goodwill.

19993 (21st Feb.)

Final establishment of the Kingdom of the Spirit—a separate and unique form of human society based solely on allegiance to the spiritual.

2004-25 9(+/-3)

Total collapse of materialist civilization.

2499 (Feb 21st)

Entry of the Redeemed into the final path of escape.

29897 (2nd July)

Beginning of the true Millennium—the era of final escape for the Enlightened


Conclusion of the true Millennium: end of age of human escape into the spirit-planes.


Non-temporal, non-physical progress of the Enlightened souls of mankind throughFive Further, non-relative Planes of Spiritual Experience, culminating in Full Union With The Divine.

Page 206, "The Great Pyramid Decoded," Peter Lemesurier

As the human soul is retained in the molecular, motor, and mental activity of the human brain, the evolution of the human brain is retained in the Evolution of Intelligence on earth. The evolution of the human brain is to culminate with the human soul being empowered by the human brain (the servant of the human soul) to strip off its dependency upon the five physical and natural senses and replace them with all mental senses. That in turn empowers the human soul to achieve Full Union with the Divine, Full Union with its Source, the Pure and Perfect Mind of God the Creator himself. As the very last prophecy in the Great Pyramid, the Spiritual Genius of Peter Lemesurier has identified the process of the human soul stripping off its dependency on the five physical and natural senses as the enlightened souls of humankind having to go five final planes of spiritual experiences before achieving Full Union with the Divine. His book, "The Great Pyramid Decoded," is actually the rock upon which today's Seven Churches are to be built. A-me-ne (Amen). Se-la-he (Selah).

MATTHEW 16:14-18

"And they said, Some say that thou art John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets."

"He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am?"

"And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God."

"And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood [meaning dependency on the five physical and natural senses] hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in Heaven [meaning his Father Heru/Adam, who has a Throne of Glory in the 90% of the functions and dynamic of the human brain that belongs to the spiritual universe (or the divinely inspired mental universe) of pure and perfect thought and thought energy]."

"And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter [Ptah, or Pe-ta-he, the title given to the one who opened the door to Heru/Adam's Most High order of ancient Spiritualist Civilization in Egypt], and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."

Meanwhile, the godlessness of Western Civilization, and the ungodly philosophy of white supremacy therein, is leading humanity in the opposite direction in which the evolution of the human brain was designed to lead humankind. Wherefore, we are currently engaged in a Revolution in the continuous Evolution of the human brain designed to reverse the erroneous path into which humanity has been led by the rule and rulers of Western Civilization.

The Vision of Tomo Geshe

"In this vision Tomo Geshe had seen all Mankind Standing At The Crossroads of a fate choice [which, in Revelation 16:16, is a place called Armageddon]. One road represents the Path of Power so suddenly opened up by science's discovery of long-hidden secrets of nature. This way of power, if not understood and controlled, would inescapably lead mankind to self-destruction.

There was, however, in Tomo Geshe's vision an alternate road for man to take: the Path of Enlightenment, whose goal was the acquiring of deeper knowledge and control of the equally mysterious, still untapped forces that lie within the human being himself; energies capable of leading humanity away from destruction toward eventual "Liberation and Self-Realization." Tomo Geshe conceived his remaining life task to be the offering of personal assistance in the following of this latter path."

Page 106, "Buddhism", Nancy Wilson Ross

Africans At The Crossroads

"We should start with the making of a Spiritual Revolution. Most of us, one way or the other, some place or the other, associate with some form of religion and some form of church. I am not asking anyone to believe anything. I'm saying that Everything That Touches Your Life Should Be An Instrument of Liberation and that making your spirituality an instrument of liberation does not make you one mite less religious, but more so.

We might have to step back in order to step forward. We might have to ask some questions. What kind of religion did African people have before Judaism, Christianity and Islam? How did African people determine right and wrong before these religions appeared in Africa? These religions, all made from elements of our own spirituality--dressed up, garnished and brought back to us and sold to us as something original--when there's nothing original in any of the three. How do we get back? And how do we transform what we've got into an Instrument of Liberation? How do we understand that we can be religious without being spiritual and Spiritual Without Belonging To Any Religion? Because The Spiritual Came First, Before The Formation of The Religion Itself: The Religions Came Out of The Spiritual That Already Existed. How do we go back, and pick up, and utilize some of these values--values of self love, self appreciation, appreciation for family, a concept of unity, and A Concept of Distribution of Goods and Services That Was Purely Socialist Before Europe? How Do We Go Back To Ourselves and Find The Mechanism of Our Own Salvation?

"African World Revolution – Africans At The Crossroad," John Hendrix Clarke, Pages 8-9

Spiritual Intelligence

"SQ (Spiritual Intelligence) has no necessary connection to religion. For some people, SQ may find a mode of expression through formal religion, but being religious doesn't guarantee high SQ. Many humanists and atheists have very high SQ; many actively and vociferously religious people have very low SQ...

SQ, as described in this book, is an internal, innate ability of the human brain and psych, drawing its deepest resources from the heart of the universe its. It is a facility developed over millions of years that allows the brain to find and use meaning in the solution of problems. The rapid changes in the Western world over the past three centuries have left conventional religions struggling to be meaningful. We now have to use our innate SQ to forge new paths [Revelation 21:5], to find some fresh expression of meaning, something that touches us and that can guide us from within.

Spiritual Intelligence is the Soul's intelligence. It is the intelligence with which we heal ourselves and with which we make ourselves whole... SQ is the intelligence that rests in that deep part of the self that connects to wisdom from beyond the ego, or conscious mind, it is the intelligence with which we not only recognize existing values, but with which we creatively discover new values. SQ is not culture-dependent or value-dependent. It does not follow from existing values but rather creates the very possibility of having values in the first place. Throughout human history, every known culture has had some set of values, though the specific values differ from culture to culture. SQ is, thus, prior to all specific values and to any given culture (review an argument on "Civilization vs. Culture" by Elliot Essman: http://www.buildingyourself.com/action/blood2.htm). It Is Also, Therefore, Prior To Any Form of Religious Expression That It Might Take. SQ Makes Religion Possible (perhaps even necessary), but SQ Does Not Depend Upon Religion (all of which is concurrent to John Hendrix Clarke's evaluation of Spirituality)...


True, we are born with a certain number of neurones and we lose many of them as we go through life. A pensioner has fewer neurones than a baby. But we grow new neural connections throughout our lives – or at least we have the capacity to do so. Conversely, neural systems that are little used shrink, disappear, or Are Taken Over For Other Purposes (which is evidence of why codons in the sequence of DNA codes that were once used to link primates, hominids, and early humans to the Mind of God through Instincts were transformed into Intelligence Genes – namely the Intelligence Genes that the Pure and Perfect Mind of God the Creator himself identified as His very own – through placing them in intergenic region of the DNA that identified the genomes of Heru/Adam and the twelve tribes of his closely male family members)...

These capacities evolve over time: through experience of the world, the brain lays down new neural connections. The richer and more varied that experience, the greater and more complex the maze of neural connections that form. This is why we can boost young children's intelligence and even physical coordination through offering the frequent and varied stimulation... With increasing maturity, new neural connections give children language and concept formation; these connections store facts and experience of memory, enabling reading, writing and general learning to take place. There is No Definable Limit to the number and complexity of neural connections that a child's brain can grow (bear in mind that such knowledge is the foundation for harnessing the power of the phenomenon that Tomo Geshe describes as untapped forces that still resonate within the human being himself – for such knowledge is also the foundation upon which we develop the human souls that make us the Children of God; the fact that there is no definable limit to the number and complexity of neural connections that the brains of such children can make is but a physically reflection [or is metaphysically concurrent] to the fact that souls retained in the molecular, motor, and mental activity of such brains have the potential of becoming one with the Pure and Perfect Mind of God the Creator himself, and one with the Creation of the Universe; yes, the absent of any definable limit to the number and complexity of neural connections the brains of the Children of God can make is indeed a physical reflection of the unlimited potential of the human soul)...

But our culture is not stable. There is too much rapid change, ambiguity, and uncertainty for s to be able to rely on wiring diagrams established in the first eighteen years to get us through the rest of life. We have to use that third kind of thinking which involves creative rule-making and rule-breaking (as in breaking the rules established by the white supremacists heads of Western Civilization to confine us to having to think within the little boxes they have constructed for us to think within – boxes they control completely, and therefore boxes that make us all their slaves), so that we constantly rewire our brains as we go along [continuously achieving the Self-Realization that empowers us with the moral and academic freedom and excellence that insure our Liberation from those seeking to make us their slaves]. And relying more heavily on those brain structures that give us our SQ takes a great deal of energy [all of which tell us that those who inherited the Intelligence Genes of Heru/Adam possess the mental capacity to rewire their brains to the point of producing a Revolution in the continuous Evolution of the human brain – a Revolution that will actually reverse the process of humanity being led by the godlessness of Western Civilization and its ungodly philosophy of white supremacy in the opposite direction in which the Evolution of the human brain was designed to lead humankind].

"Connecting With Our Spiritual Intelligence," Danah Zohar and Dr. Ian Marshall, pages 8-10 and 40-41

Issuepedia editor's note: the original formatting does not appear to be especially significant or meaningful, so for now I'm going to abandon trying to be faithful to it. --Woozle 20:27, 19 June 2009 (UTC)


"And I John saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband."

"And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the Tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God."

"And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away."

"And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I Make All Things New. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful."

Clarke's vision of "Africans At The Crossroads" and Geshe's vision of "Humankind At The Crossroads" are actually the same vision, but from different vantage points – both of with being metaphysically concurrent to Danah Zohar's evaluation of Spiritual Intelligence and the promise of the Christ-Mind to "Make All Things New." With all these in mind, Brother Melaku, it should be quite easy for you to see just how important it is that the three forms of the Two Witnesses and the Twelve Apostles of the Lamb learn to use their God given ability to think, reason, and reflect to the Most High – remembering always that the God given ability to think, reason, and reflect is second only to the Gift of Life itself.

JOHN 8:44 and 47

"Ye are of Your Father The Devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it."


"He that is of God heareth God's Words: ye therefore hear them not, because Ye Are Not of God."

Though most of us have grown accustom to hearing said, "We are all God's children," the comments made by Jesus here should make it rather clear that all Homo sapiens are not considered to be the Children of God. The statement, "We are all God's children," is actually a political statement – coined for political expedience. The only part of the human being that is recognized by the Mind of God as His child is the Human Soul. Unfortunately for millions of human being the Human Soul is not some cheap component simply thrown in at birth. Though the potential of possessing a Soul might be present, the Human Soul has to actually be developed within the molecular, motor, and mental activity of the human brain through divine inspiration. Not only is the Soul the only part of the human being that is recognized as God's child, it is also the only part of the human being that can be created in the Image and Likeness of the Mind of God and His Christ – the Christ-Mind being the Spirit of Redemption in the Conscience and Heart of the Pure and Perfect Mind of God the Creator himself. The Christ-Mind works to redeem the human potential of developing a Soul from it fallen state of being – wherein the human mind, which is linked to the Mind of God through Consciousness, cannot actually recognize that the brain does not have a Soul retained in it molecular, motor, and mental activity, nor understand the need to develop one. The godlessness of Western Civilization and its ungodly philosophy of white supremacy only compound this problem.

ISAIAH 55:5-11

"Behold, thou shalt call a Nation that thou knowest not, and Nations that knew not thee shall run unto thee because of the LORD thy God, and for the Holy One of Israel; for he hath glorified thee [like Daniel 11:38-39 and Revelation 3:7-9, this verse was explicitly written for today's Ethiopian Hebrews living in the United States as the Root of today's Hebrew family – especially those who have inherited the Intelligence Genes of Heru/Adam]."

"Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near:"

"Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his Thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon."

"For my Thoughts are not your Thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD."

"For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my Thoughts than your thoughts."

"For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater:"

"So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it."

Recognizing the fact that the Pure and Perfect Mind of God the Creator himself does indeed have a Conscience and Heart also open the door to developing a crystal clear understanding of the Divine Nature of an Almighty God. In addition to having grown accustom the hearing it said, "We Are All God's Children," many of us have grown accustom to having it suggested that Homo sapiens are created in the Image and Likeness of God.

Learning To Think As God Thinks

Generally it takes only 10% of the functions and dynamics of the human brain to fulfill Maslow's Hierarchy of Human Needs – the top of which is something Maslow identifies as Self-Actuality. Though some people learn to use that 10% of the functions and dynamics of the human brain much more efficiently than others, the actual amount of the functions and dynamics remain unchanged. For using the other 90% of the functions and dynamics of the human brain involved the human soul overcoming the brain's dependency on the physical and natural senses to gain its perception of existence and reality. Some people with mental development disorders – such as the idiot-savant – may have some degree of access to this 90% of the brains functions and dynamics, but are actually mentally retarded in the use of the other 10%. Other people Wherefore, it is in learning to use this 90% of the functions and dynamics of the human brain that we can achieve the Self-Realization and Liberation described in the "Vision of Tomo Geshe" – the Soul's complete Liberation from the brain's dependency on the physical and natural senses. Because the Soul is dependent on being retained in the molecular, motor, and mental activity of the human brain to develop the Self-realization that leads to its complete Liberation, the Soul enters the world as a sacrificial Lamb.


"And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb As It had Been Slain [slain by the brain's dependency on the physical and natural senses], having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth."

On earth, the Kingdom of Heaven and the Temple of God are metaphysically represented by this 90% of the functions and dynamics of the human brain that belongs to the spiritual universe (or the divinely inspired mental universe) of pure and perfect thought and thought energy. Thus entering into this 90% of the brain's functions and dynamics require learning to use the ability to think, reason, and reflect to the Most High.


"And One of The Four Beasts gave unto the Seven Angels [Seven Churches] seven golden vials full of the Wrath of God, who liveth for ever and ever."

"And the Temple [which is represented on earth by the 90% of the functions and dynamics of the human brain that belong to the spiritual universe of pure and perfect thought and thought energy] was filled with smoke from the Glory of God, and from his power; and no man was able to enter into the Temple, till the seven plagues of the seven angels were fulfilled."

In learning to think as God thinks, here we should remember that David Bohm's Holomoment is actually telling us that Creation has a cascading effect. Furthermore, we should remember that everything "out there" are only remnants and reminders of the greater investment God made "in here" – "in here" being the human brain and the human soul retained in the molecular, motor, and mental activity of the human brain. In previous emails it was stated the Russian government is the one of the Four Beasts that gives unto the Seven Churches their seven golden vials. As all the remnants and reminders are being cascaded back into the brain that sent out such thoughts and thought energy, the Russian government becomes metaphysically concurrent to the Temporal Lobe. In between the Russian government and the Temporal Lobe stands one of today's Twenty-four Elders, a Russian named Leo Tolstoy. Born September 9, 1928, Tolstoy is important to the Russian government giving the Seven Churches their seven golden vials because he was born a Virgo. With everything thing "out there" being remnants and reminders of the greater investment God made "in here," the influence of what develops "in here" can to some degree be determined by dividing the things "out there" into the twelve constellations that make up the universe around us. Virgos are known to be critics, critical thinkers, and perfectionist who engage in a tremendous amount of mental exercise, and often in service to others. Thus Virgos, whether they ever realized it or not, are created not only to learn to use the ability to think, reason, and reflect to the Most High, but also to learn to think perfectly. Leo Tolstoy was one such Virgo, who, in the latter part of his life dedicated himself to helping humanity learn to think as perfectly as he'd learn to think. Wherefore, it is in honor to Leo Tolstoy that the Russian government will be compelled to give unto the Seven Churches seven golden vials.

Emmanuel Afraka also being such a Virgo has been planted among you by the Christ-Mind and the Pure and Perfect Mind of God the Creator himself to help the Twelve Apostle of the Lamb in the Ethiopian Scientific Society and the three forms of the Two Witnesses to not only learn to use their ability to think, reason, and reflect to the Most High, but also to learn to think perfectly.

ISAIAH 55:7-13

"Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his Thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon."

"For my Thoughts are not your Thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD."

"For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my Thoughts than your Thoughts."

"For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater:"

"So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it."

"For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands."


"And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually."

"And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart."


"The anger of the LORD shall not return, until he have executed, and till he have performed the Thoughts of his heart: in the latter days ye shall Consider It Perfectly."

These Latter Days are also called the Last Days because it now appears that giving Homo sapiens the ability to think, reason, and reflect has all been a complete waste, a big mistake. While machines are being scientifically advanced, humanity itself is being led in the opposite direction of producing a civilization of truly scientifically advanced human being. The godlessness of Western Civilization and its ungodly philosophy of white supremacy has humanity laboring under Deception Absolute. A truly scientifically advance human being named Jesus appeared on earth 2,000 years ago, and every since that time the leaders of Western Civilization have intensified their efforts to make humanity labor under Deception Absolute by scientifically advancing machines, and using such mechanical advance to lead humanity away mental purification and perfection of thought reintroduced into the world by the Lord Jesus. The ability to think, reason, and reflect is a gift from God second only to the Gift of Life itself. Just like you and me, God doesn't like to be reminded of a mistake everyday of His life. If giving Homo sapiens the ability to think, reason, and reflect continues to appear to be a mistake much longer, God will soon erase the mistake and start all over with a new Evolution of Intelligence. Wherefore, my brother, it is of the utmost importance that I can get some of you to graduate to learning not only learning to use your ability to think, reason, and reflect to the Most High, but also to learning to think perfectly.

In learning to think as God thinks, one of the most important things to know is that, as Mother Nature has Four Fundamental Forces and the Cerebrum has Four Lobes, the Mind of God has Four Sets of Fundamental Functions: (1) the Functions of Omnipotence, (2) the Functions of Omniscience, (3) the Functions of Omnipresence, and (4) the Functions of Omnibus. Within those Four Sets of Fundamental Functions are scores of functions designed to empower the Mind of God to achieve Purity and Perfection, and thereby live forever and never die. 90% of the Functional Potential of the human brain is a physical and natural reflection (or is mentally concurrent) to the Four Sets of Fundamental Functions of the Mind of God and the scores of sub-functions therein. The sub-functions we will focus of here are actually a combination of three the mental functions that were most instrumental in the Mind of God becoming Pure and Perfect: (1) identifying error or mistakes, (2) correcting or erasing them, and (3) starting over again. In the human central nervous system, we find a metaphysical reflection of these three sub-functions in the three parts of the hindbrain: (1) Pons, (2) Cerebellum, and (3) Medulla Oblongata – working in conjunction with the Four Lobes of the Cerebrum.

We have already learned that the Seven Days of Creation described in the 1ST Chapter of the Book of Genesis are actually seven phases of events that occurred in the Beginning of Creation. In each of those Seven Days of Creation, one of the Seven Spirits of God was the dominant creative force. The Seven Spirits of God: (1) the Spirit of Knowledge, (2) the Spirit of Love, (3) the Spirit of Faith, (4) the Spirit of Truth, (5) the Spirit of Wisdom, (6) the Spirit of Understanding, and (7) the Spirit of Strength, are actually seven mental attribute of the Mind of God the Creator himself. We have also learned already that out of the Seven Spirits of God evolved the Seven Senses of Man – his two mental senses: (1) the Sense of Though, and (2) the Sense of Perception/Precept, and his five physical and natural senses: (1) the Sense of Touch, (2) the Sense of Smell, (3) the Sense of Sight, (4) the Sense of Taste, and (5) the Sense of Hearing. Thus the development of the Seven Churches is metaphysically current to the works o the Seven Spirits of God and the evolution of Seven Mental Senses.


"Unto the angel of the Church of Ephesus write; These things saith he that holdeth the Seven Stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the Seven Golden Candlesticks;"

The Seven Stars, in addition to being metaphysically concurrent to the Seven Churches, are also metaphysically concurrent to these Seven Parts of the Brain: (1) the Frontal Lobe, (2) the Temporal Lobe, (3) the Parietal Lobe, (4) the Occipital Lobe, (5) the Medulla Oblongata, (6) the Pons, and (7) the Cerebellum. While the Four Lobes belong to the Forebrain and the Medulla Oblongata, the Pons and the Cerebellum belong to the hindbrain, the midbrain is merely considered to be a network hub – as the various currents that flow between heaven and earth. Wherefore, in conjunction with the Medulla Oblongata and the Pons, the Midbrain is also called the Brainstem. The Seven Golden Candlesticks are metaphysically concurrent to the Seven Spirits of God – out of which evolved the Seven Senses of Man. Here we will learn a bit more about the metaphysical relationship that exists between Seven Parts of the Human Brain and the Seven Churches. Bear in mind that the Christ-Mind is here developing a man whose brain contains Pyramidal Neurons that can process information from 144,000 different sources – both physically and mentally, or both through neuroplasticity and cognition (Revelation 21:16-17).


Neuroplasticity (variously referred to as brain plasticity, cortical plasticity or cortical re-mapping) refers to changes that occur in the organization of the brain as a result of experience...

The brain consists of cells which are interconnected, and learning may happen through changing of the strength of the connections, by adding or removing connections, or by adding new cells. "Plasticity" relates to learning by adding or removing connections, or adding cells [which is consistent with Danah Zohar's assertion that we constantly rewire our brain as we go along, and to my assertions that we can consciously learn to take control of the way our brains are rewired to overcome our dependency on our physical and natural senses by replacing them with mental senses – which would be among the major purposes of The Five Books of Emmanuel and the new educational system of New Jerusalem called the Morning Star].



Cognition is the scientific term for "the Process of Thought." Its usage varies in different ways in accord with different disciplines: For example, in psychology and cognitive science it refers to an information processing view of an individual's psychological functions. Other interpretations of the meaning of cognition link it to the development of concepts; individual minds, groups, organizations, and even larger coalitions of entities, can be modelled as "societies" (Society of Mind), which cooperate to form concepts.

The autonomous elements of each 'society' would have the opportunity to demonstrate emergent behavior in the face of some crisis or opportunity. Cognition can also be interpreted as "understanding and trying to Make Sense of The World" [as in making mental sense of the world].



"And I beheld, and heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, Woe, woe, woe, to the inhabiters of the earth by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the Three Angels, which are yet to sound!"

The sounding of the first Four Angles (the first Four Churches) was metaphysically related to the sounding of the Four Lobes of the Cerebrum. The three parts of the human brain that were yet to sound are the Pons, Medulla Oblongata, and Cerebellum. Wherefore, in learning more about the relationship between the Seven Churches and the Seven Parts of the Human Brain, here we will also learn a bit of how the Pons, Medulla Oblongata, and Cerebellum work together to maintain Homeostasis within the human body. Homeostasis is actually as Most High order of civilization established within the human body. Therefore, the sounding of the Pons, Medulla Oblongata, and Cerebellum will provide us with some rather special insight into how the last three churches work together to maintain a Most High order of civilization in New Jerusalem. This is especially true of the Fifth Church, the Church of Pergamos, which is metaphysically associated with both the Pons and the Spirit of Wisdom. Remember, the Spirit of Wisdom gives man the sense and the soul of man the power to know how, when, and where to apply the powers of Knowledge and Truth. Knowing how, when, and where to apply such powers is indeed a necessity in maintaining the balance, equilibrium, stability, peace, and peace of mind that characterize a Most High order of civilization.

DANIEL 8:8-12

"Therefore the He Goat [Adolf Hitler] waxed very great: and when he was strong, the Great Horn [of white supremacy] was broken; and for it came up Four Notable Ones toward the four winds of heaven [in one arena, the Four Notable Ones are metaphysically concurrent to the Four Lobes of the Cerebrum; in another arena, they represent the Four Beats, the government and armies of (1) the United States, (2) the United Kingdom, (3) France, and (4) Russia – these four came up to lay claim on the scientific advances achieved by the Nazis, along which was the foundation upon which a thought monitoring science could be developed – actually giving white supremacy the power to monitor human thought]."

"And out of one of them came forth a Little Horn [as in a Pyramidal Neuron coming out of the Cerebral Cortex in the Frontal Lobe], which waxed exceeding great, Toward The South [as in the Pyramidal Neuron traveling from the Cerebral Cortex into the Pyramidal Tract (or Corticospinal Tract) towards the Seven Vertebrae in the Cervical Spine – whose atlas is the point of entry for the spinal cord into the spinal cavity], and Toward the East [as in from the Cerebral Cortex in the Frontal Lobe towards the portion of the Left Hemisphere of the Cerebrum associated with Logic], and Toward The Pleasant Land [as in Pyramidal Neurons taking the form of Pyramidal Motor Fibers from the Cerebrum towards the Pyramid of Medulla Oblongata – from where the Pyramidal Decussation (or Motor Decussation) is formed]."

"And it waxed great, even to the host of heaven; and it cast down some of the host and of the stars to the ground, and stamped upon them."

"Yea, he magnified himself even to the Prince of the Host [the president of the United States], and by him the daily sacrifice was taken away, and the place of the sanctuary was cast down."

"And an host was given him against the daily sacrifice by reason of transgression, and it Cast Down The Truth To The Ground; and It Practiced, and Prospered."

Remember, the Spirit of Truth was the dominant creative force in the Fourth Day of Creation, and the Spirit of Wisdom was the dominant creative force in the Fifth Day of Creation. The Temporal Lobe is the one of the Four Lobes of the Cerebrum metaphysically associated with the Spirit of Truth, and the Pons is associated with the Spirit of Wisdom. Wherefore, the Spirit of Truth is cast down from the Temporal Lobe into the Medulla Oblongata, where it is practiced until it proposers in the form of the Spirit of Wisdom. Remember, the Spirit of Wisdom gives man the sense and the soul of man the power to know how, when, and where to apply the powers of Knowledge and Truth. Again, knowing how, when, and where to apply such powers as the powers of Knowledge and Truth is essential to maintaining the Homeostasis (balance, equilibrium, stability, peace, and peace of mind) that characterize a Most High order of civilization. Wherefore, we now know that it was through the practice of Truth that the Mind of God the Creator became a Pure and Perfect Mind – in pure and perfect harmony and unity with Himself and the Universe around Him.

While the Medulla Oblongata is metaphysically associated with the Spirit of Wisdom, the Pons is associated with the Spirit of Understanding. Out of the Spirit of Understanding evolved the Sense of Hearing. Wherefore, the Inner-Ear is associated with the ability to learn (the cognitive side of motor learning and physical balance – as in balance between information stored in memory and information being received). Thus the Pons functions as the inner-ear of the Medulla Oblongata – relaying sensory information between the Cerebrum and the Cerebellum.

Cranial Nerve Nuclei In The Pons:

  • Mid-Pons: The chief or pontine nucleus of the trigeminal nerve sensory nucleus (V)
  • Mid-Pons: the motor nucleus for the trigeminal nerve (V)
  • Lower down in the Pons: abducens nucleus (VI)
  • Lower down in the Pons: facial nerve nucleus (VII)
  • Lower down in the Pons: Vestibulocochlear Nuclei (vestibular nuclei and cochlear nuclei) (VIII)

Vestibulocochlear nerve:

  • The vestibulocochlear nerve (also known as the auditory or acoustic nerve) is the eighth of twelve cranial nerves, and is responsible for transmitting sound and equilibrium (balance) information from the Inner-Ear to the brain.

The Cerebellum is metaphysically associated with the Spirit of Strength. Out of the Spirit of Strength evolved the Sense of Perception/Precept.


The Cerebellum (Latin for little brain) is a region of the brain that plays an important role in the integration of Sensory Perception, coordination and motor control. In order to coordinate motor control, there are many neural pathways linking the cerebellum with the cerebral motor cortex (which sends information to the muscles causing them to move) and the Spinocerebellar Tract (which provides Proprioceptive Feedback on the position of the body in space). The cerebellum integrates these pathways, like a train conductor, using the constant Feedback on body position to fine-tune motor movements [as in constantly reevaluating one's perception of something and establishing a precept (rule, regulation, or instruction) to purify and perfect the perception, or to insure that the perception remains within an already established precept].

...However, modern research shows that the cerebellum has a broader role in a number of key Cognitive Functions (Mental Functions), including attention and the processing of language, music, and other sensory Temporal Stimuli [with the Temporal Lobe being metaphysically associate with the Spirit of Truth, Temporal Stimulation is metaphysically concurrent to being stimulated by the Spirit of Truth in search of the Truth about a perception and thereby set a precept based upon the established Truth; in examining neuroplasticity, we learned that the brain consists of cells that are interconnected, and learning can occur through strengthening the connections, or by adding or removing connections, or by adding new cells, but plasticity only dealt with adding or removing connections, or adding new cells; here the focus is on strengthening connections through the reception and acceptance of Truth – no matter how many connections have been added of removed, nor how many cells have been added; Like the Pure and Perfect Mind of God the Creator himself, the Ultimate Truth does not change; wherefore, if the Truth does change, then the Ultimate Strength will not change – no matter how many connections have been added of removed, nor how many cells were added].

Cognitive Functions (Mental Functions):

In some forms of psychological testing, particularly those related to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, the Cognitive Functions (sometimes known as Mental Functions) are defined as different ways of perceiving and judging the world. They are defined as "thinking", "feeling", "sensing" and "intuition" [remember, Intelligence Genes were developed from DNA sequences found in the intergenic region that originally connected the human brain to the Mind of God through Instincts; wherefore, people who have inherited the Intelligence Genes of Heru/Adam possess a mental power that is best described as Intuitive Cognition; therefore, their perception of the world can exist above the various levels of Consciousness – as in being able to see the world through the Mental Senses of the Mind of God himself].


Proprioception (pronounced PRO-pree-o-SEP-shun); from Latin proprius, meaning "one's own" and perception) is the sense of the relative position of neighboring parts of the body. Unlike the six exteroceptive senses (sight, taste, smell, touch, hearing, and balance) by which we perceive the outside world, and interoceptive senses, by which we perceive the pain and the stretching of internal organs, Proprioception is a third distinct sensory modality that provides Feedback solely on the status of the body internally. It is the sense that indicates whether the body is moving with required effort, as well as where the various parts of the body are located in relation to each other.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cerebellum http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognitive_functions


"And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God Moved Upon The Face of The Waters."

Remember, "the Spirit of God moving upon the Face of the Water" is actually telling us that the Thoughts of God traveled through the Universe of Darkness in the form of electromagnetic waves – as in waves of water. Thus interactions occurred between the electromagnetic waves as the scattering (or radiation) of the thought processes continued. Thus the Mind of God placed a tracer in Creation to monitor the interactions occurring between the electromagnetic waves – as in developing a system of memory. To prevent the tracer from simply being absorbed into the interactions occurring between the electromagnetic waves, a barrier had to be established between the tracer and the actual integration of the electromagnetic waves. Because everything "out there" are only remnants and reminders of the great investment God made "in here," – "in here" being the human brain and the human soul that is retained in the molecular, motor, and mental activity of the human brain – the barrier between the tracer and integration of electromagnetic waves is now also seen as the Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB). Placing this barrier in Creation was like placing radio-isotopes of Cobalt Blue in Creation. Thus the blood inside the human body is actually Blue until it becomes oxygenated and turns Red. The phenomenon that appears like of radio-isotopes of Cobalt Blue being placed in Creation as a tracer is seen in Revelation 21:19 as a Cobalt Blue Sapphire.

Remember, the Spirit of Wisdom, which gives man the sense and the soul of man the power to know how, when, and where to apply the powers of Knowledge and Truth, is metaphysically associated with the Pons. The Medulla Oblongata is metaphysically associated with the Spirit of Understanding, which gives man the sense and the soul of man the power to know how, why, and upon whom or what to apply the powers of Love and Faith. Here Love is seen as a force that produces a marriage, and/or the force that hold the universe together until the Word of God and the Will of God are all fulfilled within the Works of God. Wherefore, just as the Spinocerebellar Tract provides the Cerebellum with Feedback on the position of the body is space, which is communicated by the Pons between the Cerebellum and the Cerebrum, the radio-isotope traces provided the Mind of God with Feedback on where the marriages of the electromagnetic waves were occurring and how. Thus the tracer became highly instrumental in the Mind of God overcoming the perception of time and space to become Omnipresent.

While the dynamics of the functions of the Human Brain are expressed in both physical and natural processes, the dynamics of the function s of the Human Soul are expressed only as mental processes. Remember, the very prophecy in the Great Pyramid deals with the Soul stripping off the Brain's dependency on the five physical and natural senses, and replacing them with mental senses. The Human Soul, in being retained in the molecular, motor, and mental activity of the Human Brain, can also function like a Cobalt Blue Radio-Isotope Tracer providing the Mind of God with Feedback. If the Mind of God accepts the Feedback as Truth, the archangel Michael, the God of Forces, bears witness of the Truth – as in providing the Soul with evidence of its position in mental development. This phenomenon is evidence of the Soul's potential of to become one with the Pure and Perfect Mind of God the Creator himself, and one with the Creation of the Universe.