Operation Fast and Furious/2012/09/21/HF

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On 2012-09-21, the Heritage Foundation, an US conservatist think-tank, issued a statement regarding the Horowitz report on Operation Fast and Furious. Their primary findings were:

  1. The report singles out top Department of Justice officials for wrongdoing.
  2. The report appears to contradict sworn testimony by Attorney General Eric Holder.
  3. The report faults top Justice Department leadership with failing to adequately respond to the murder of an American border patrol agent.
  4. The White House refused to disclose any internal communications to the inspector general.
  5. The report fails to consider evidence that a top DOJ official knew the department misled Congress.

The only point on which HF argues that the report itself is negligent is item #5; HF does not appear to give any credence to the gun-control theory.