Marketism (short for free market fundamentalism) is a loose aggregation of beliefs that generally oppose government and favor private enterprise in the form of free-as-in-unregulated market principles. Ironically, it tends to destroy free markets by allowing monopolies to exist.
Key characteristics include:
- advocacy against government regulation of private business
- which they often refer to as "small government"
- commonly known as laissez-faire economics
- some forms advocate for the abolishment of government altogether
- general reduction in the "size" and reach of government (minarchism)
- where government is seen as having any legitimate role at all, its only legitimate functions are:
- enforcement of property rights (propertarianism) and other "natural rights"
- contract enforcement
A society based on marketist principles would be a form of minarchy or anarchy, but there are no known examples of any such society that is both highly technological and either prosperous or peaceful, much less successful at maintaining human rights or even "natural rights".
- Marketism is short for market fundamentalism or free market fundamentalism, and is also known as free-marketism and market extremism.
- An adherent of marketism is called a marketeer, marketist, free-marketeer or free-marketist.
- Marketism that advocates for "smaller" government (i.e. deregulation) rather than no government (i.e. anarchism) is a form of minarchism.
- Marketism is belief in a system of free/unregulated markets.
- Adherents of this ideology are referred to as free marketeers or free marketarians. They are also often (especially in the United States) libertarians, though that ideology is generally a superset of free-marketism.
- Marketists commonly self-identify as voluntarists, minarchists, anarcho-capitalists, and/or libertarians (especially in the United States).
- Marketeers who advocate for the complete abolishment of government often self-identify as anarcho-capitalists (AnCaps for short), a form of anarchism
- Marketeers often refer to their ideology as "Austrian economics", a reference to the Mises Institute.
Related Pages
- /beliefs - basic premises, sometimes supported by (faulty) logic
- /claims - common claims made by marketists, derived from their core beliefs
- /contradictions - how marketist beliefs contradict each other
- /fallacies - logical fallacies often committed within marketist ideology
- /religion - how marketism is like a religion
Free-marketeers often defend corporate evil in terms that are very similar to mansplainer attacks on feminism, such as "not all corporations are bad" (see not all men [1]).
There is some discussion of these ideas on Google+.