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{{data.pair|Topics|\Mike Huckabee\religious right\separation of church and state\Talk To Action}}
<let name=data index=Date>2008-01-08</let>
<let name=data index=Source>Talk To Action</let>
{{data.pair|Title|Huckabee's New Baptist Vision}}
<let name=data index=Topics>\Mike Huckabee\religious right\separation of church and state</let>
{{data.pair|Text|&ldquo;In [[Mike Huckabee|Huckabee]]'s earlier day the fact that a minister left the pulpit to be a politician was a step down.  It is no longer viewed that way. Huckabee sees his calling as a higher mandate than merely being a Christian minister. The modern Baptist church has evolved to such a stance.  Now the [[Southern Baptist Convention]] has shifted its model of Christian activism that once centered on mission work.  Rick Scarborough spoke about this  at his rally I was at.  He claimed that people who used to send their money to mission work now sent it to his movement. .. Huckabee is the perfect example a new Baptist vision in the nation.  The modern media has failed to notice this shift.&rdquo; (This article needs some heavy copy-editing.)
<let name=data index=URL>http://www.talk2action.org/story/2008/1/8/105517/1161</let>
<let name=data index=Title>Huckabee's New Baptist Vision</let>
<let name=data index=TextShort>&ldquo;Huckabee sees his calling as a higher mandate than merely being a Christian minister. The modern Baptist church has evolved to such a stance.  Now the [[Southern Baptist Convention]] has shifted its model of Christian activism that once centered on mission work&rdquo;</let>
<let name=data index=Text>
<p>In [[Mike Huckabee|Huckabee]]'s earlier day the fact that a minister left the pulpit to be a politician was a step down.  It is no longer viewed that way. Huckabee sees his calling as a higher mandate than merely being a Christian minister. The modern Baptist church has evolved to such a stance.  Now the [[Southern Baptist Convention]] has shifted its model of Christian activism that once centered on mission work.  Rick Scarborough spoke about this  at his rally I was at.  He claimed that people who used to send their money to mission work now sent it to his movement.</p>
<p>Huckabee is the perfect example a new Baptist vision in the nation.  The modern media has failed to notice this shift.</p>
(This article needs some heavy copy-editing.)</let>
</hide><if not flag=including><let name=docat val=1 /><noinclude>{{:project:code/show/link}}</noinclude></if>

Revision as of 15:06, 25 September 2010