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Understanding or agreeing on what is good (as well as what is bad) is obviously necessary in order to be able to evaluate the overall good or bad, or net good, of a particular decision.


  • "evil" (intending harm; deliberately bad; malicious)
    • acts whose net results can only be expected to be bad overall
    • an entity which knowingly performs such acts


It may be enlightening to examine what types of things we, as humans, find to be positive or negative on a visceral level.

List of undeniably bad things

  • abuse of the innocent: innocent people being hurt, killed, blamed wrongly
    • children are generally presumed innocent even under circumstances where an adult would be held accountable; there is, however, disagreement about the exact distinction between a child and an adult in certain circumstances, including:
      • the child is on the upper end of the "child" age-range
      • the child has performed a truly heinous act which even the very youngest should recognize as "wrong"
  • unintended harm to innocent people is also considered a bad thing

List of arguably bad things

  • "killing" is often held to be wrong under any circumstances, or any circumstances except self-defense, but there is disagreement.