2008-06-25 Why The Right Isn't Future-Ready

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{{#vardefine:keylist|}}{{#vardefine:Date|2008-06-25}}{{#vardefine:keylist|{{#var:keylist}}\Date}}{{#vardefine:Date.disp|2008-06-25}}{{#vardefine:Date.disp|[[{{#var:Date}}]]}}{{#vardefine:Topics|\authoritarianism\conservatism\Sara Robinson/writings}}{{#vardefine:keylist|{{#var:keylist}}\Topics}}{{#vardefine:Topics.disp|\authoritarianism\conservatism\Sara Robinson/writings}}{{#vardefine:URL|http://www.ourfuture.org/blog-entry/why-right-isnt-future-ready}}{{#vardefine:keylist%7C{{#var:keylist}}\URL}}{{#vardefine:URL.disp%7Chttp://www.ourfuture.org/blog-entry/why-right-isnt-future-ready}}{{#vardefine:Title%7CWhy The Right Isn't Future-Ready}}{{#vardefine:keylist|{{#var:keylist}}\Title}}{{#vardefine:Title.disp|Why The Right Isn't Future-Ready}}{{#vardefine:Text|“Where we fall on the authoritarian spectrum has every damned thing in the world to do with how well we identify looming issues, which options we're willing to consider, how far we can adapt, and whether or not we're likely to succeed. Authoritarianism is dangerous not just because it's hostile to individual liberty, but also because it poisons every step of the process of social change. And societies that succumb to it are, in a very real sense, setting themselves up for failure. .. In this essay, I'm going look at a few reasons why this is so.”}}{{#vardefine:keylist|{{#var:keylist}}\Text}}{{#vardefine:Text.disp|“Where we fall on the authoritarian spectrum has every damned thing in the world to do with how well we identify looming issues, which options we're willing to consider, how far we can adapt, and whether or not we're likely to succeed. Authoritarianism is dangerous not just because it's hostile to individual liberty, but also because it poisons every step of the process of social change. And societies that succumb to it are, in a very real sense, setting themselves up for failure. .. In this essay, I'm going look at a few reasons why this is so.”}} {{#xploop:{{#var:Topics}}||}} {{#xploop:{{#var:keylist}}|\n* $s$: \o#var:$s$.disp\c}}

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