2020-07-27 Twitter map

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2020-07-27 Twitter map

2020-07-26 09:59

They say it's easier to do so but rely on say-so alone. Without some indicator that the person is actually trans and not just faking it to gain access to women-only services it's a safeguarding nightmare that has already happened. There are many more examples if you want them.

2020-07-26 10:01

"The "real-life test" is gender-policing and needs to go."

Now you're saying this. Meanwhile, we find "cis" deeply offensive and would rather not have it used.

Trans people have rights enshrined in law and are protected from discrimination. Now it seems some of them want to...

2020-07-26 10:02

...discriminate against natal women and use "transphobia" to silence us. No. The more they try to get us to accept being pushed aside, the more we will fight back. Trans rights and women's rights are different sets of rights.

2020-07-26 13:28

Because "trans" describes the change from one state of being to another; you begin as a person described and accepted as male, then you transition into a person described and accepted as female. "Trans" is shorthand for the journey to and from that situation. It also explains...

2020-07-26 13:30

...our perceptions; we primarily rely on our senses to understand the world around us. When what we see and hear doesn't match up with what we're being told we are seeing and hearing, the word "trans" explains it, and enables the acceptance of the dichotomy we see before us.

2020-07-26 13:59

It's a name given to us that we didn't need until militant trans people showed up and started to dismantle women's rights based on feelings rather than biological presentation. That's what the trouble is. We don't like being dictated to and we consider that word...

2020-07-26 14:01

...a badge of oppression. It is now considered right wing to discuss women's sex-based rights. I'd rather not have an outside group making decisions for us without even discussing them with us, then calling us bigots when we rightly object. If the idea is that they're "only"...

2020-07-26 14:02

...targeting white middle-class women, they're doing it wrong. They're catching every other woman in their net and we're having none of it. Save your new words for yourselves and leave us out of it.

    Woozle (talk)14:59, 27 July 2020