2020-07-21 Twitter map

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2020-07-21 Twitter map

2020-07-21 12:39

Reshare of 2020-07-21 11:20 @SilvarReaper


A trans woman on twitter insisted that she was a female just like me & just needed hormons & surgeries to fix herself. I then pointed out, if she were a female, she wouldn't be a trans woman.

Of course she called me a hateful, transphobic bigot with 'outdated' views

Neutral face:

2020-07-20 10:48 @SyreyneTalks

The doctor never wrote "man", the doctor wrote male. This was accurate, no matter how I may wish it wasn't.

My sex wasn't assigned, it was simply observed.

If the doctor was wrong, why would I have developed a MALE body? Why would I need hormones? Why even transition?

2020-07-20 10:33 @aaron_terrel

I recently tried explaining that I wasn’t “assigned” female at birth, I am female and was correctly recorded as such by the doctor upon my birth. I was told I was practicing “self-hatred” by not essentially saying the doctor was wrong. Wtf have things come to?

    Woozle (talk)16:27, 27 July 2020