Issuepedia:Site support
I seem to be spending more and more time on this project and would like it to become a career, but I'm very leery of tainting Issuepedia's credibility by using it to generate income directly. I will gladly accept donations (not tax-deductable, I'm afraid; does anyone know if a 501c3 is allowed to have political opinions?) at paypal-w @ hypertwins . org, but something better is needed. (Please Contact me if this doesn't seem to work; I've had difficulty with PayPal emails.)
The web server itself costs $10/month (a shared server account, which hosts about a dozen low-traffic web sites). The budget to rent the server is paid for by profits from
This page is in need of updating.
The pages for the following links need to be written, and then the text at the top will need to be updated.
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