User:Woozle/2009-07-24 MoveOn

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Revision as of 20:02, 24 July 2009 by Woozle (talk | contribs) (Created page with '==Source== ==Canned Text== Don't go on vacation without acting on health care. Americans don't get a break from the health care crisis, and Congress...')
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Canned Text

Don't go on vacation without acting on health care. Americans don't get a break from the health care crisis, and Congress shouldn't get a break until they vote on the bill.

My Addition

Um, in case you guys hadn't noticed, we're kind of dying out here. We'd really *really* appreciate it if you'd kind of scoot this whole health care reform thing to the very *front* of your agenda -- you know, *before* taking time off and celebrating your accomplishments -- and also not giving the idiot Republicans time to screw it up with their "reconsideration".

However, if you're really desperate for a vacation, I'll be happy to let you have one as long as you bring our autistic son along with you. He desperately needs a group home and proper developmental therapy, but we've been trying to get that for half a decade now and have been unsuccessful because of how broken the health care system is.

Oh, and my teeth are about 10 years overdue for some work, and I haven't had health insurance since 1999 either. Fortunately I'm really, really healthy. So on behalf of all the other people who aren't as lucky as me and therefore might not have the time to type a little note to you like this, or maybe aren't even aware of this petition because of all the extra time they spend dealing with their poor health and the bureaucracy of trying to get care...

Fix Healthcare. Now. No Excuses.