Revision as of 16:53, 24 April 2007 by Woozle (talk | contribs) (New page: ==Overview== category:companiesWal-Mart is the world's largest retailer and the world's largest corporation. It is also the subject of some considerable controversy regarding claim...)
Wal-Mart is the world's largest retailer and the world's largest corporation. It is also the subject of some considerable controversy regarding claims that it is bad for small towns and treats its workers poorly.
Regardless of their transgressions, Wal-Mart does represent what might be called "retail technology" – a collection of "best practices" for getting everyday goods to the public at low prices – which does contribute significant value to a community. There may also be costs that play out in the long term or in more diffuse ways, however, and more data is needed in order to have a realistic idea of how the costs & benefits play out.
- 2005-12-29 Wal-Mart to pay $200 million to workers
- 2005-10-21 Wal-Mart yanks its own chain: signs of reform?
- 2007-02-07 Why I Hate Walmart: a relatively minor quibble, but with interesting discussion afterwards
- Wal-Mart Watch: labor-oriented watchdog organization
- Wal-Mart Hatred Is Bullshit! by Penn & Teller
- what is the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research?
- "that's the choice that American consumers made" is... a statement fraught with complications