Bush-Cheney administration/corruption

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This page is about corruption in the 2000-2007 US Presidential administration of George W. Bush.


  • Bush's elevation of presidential power: Bush seems to be trying to completely remove the restraints on presidential power.
  • Bush's lies: the man has lied repeatedly, on record, with no apology or apparent remorse; he also makes promises and then quietly contradicts them with subsequent actions
  • Bush's unapologetic use of torture
  • Bush has "consistently advanced policies contradictory to his professed values" (Is George W. Bush a Conservative? by William Frey, M. D.)
  • The Bush administration's consistent overlooking of facts which contradict the picture they want to paint:
    • It seems likely that people at the top level knew, or should have guessed from the evidence available, that the Yellowcake documents were inaccurate; see Yellowcake forgery
    • If Bush honestly believed that Saddam Hussein had WMDs, he was overlooking a lot of reports from his lower-level advisors
  • Showed classified map of planned Iraq invasion, marked with a classification meaning that it wasn't to be shown to non-US officials, to Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia on 2003-01-11