2008-07-23 Concerning Eucharistic Desecration

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{{#vardefine:keylist|}}{{#vardefine:Date|2008-07-23}}{{#vardefine:keylist|{{#var:keylist}}\Date}}{{#vardefine:Date.disp|2008-07-23}}{{#vardefine:Date.disp|[[{{#var:Date}}]]}}{{#vardefine:Topics|\2008 sacred wafer scandal}}{{#vardefine:keylist|{{#var:keylist}}\Topics}}{{#vardefine:Topics.disp|\2008 sacred wafer scandal}}{{#vardefine:URL|http://insidecatholic.com/Joomla/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=4140&Itemid=48}}{{#vardefine:keylist%7C{{#var:keylist}}\URL}}{{#vardefine:URL.disp%7Chttp://insidecatholic.com/Joomla/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=4140&Itemid=48}}{{#vardefine:Title%7CConcerning Eucharistic Desecration}}{{#vardefine:keylist|{{#var:keylist}}\Title}}{{#vardefine:Title.disp|Concerning Eucharistic Desecration}}{{#vardefine:Text|“Myers then decided to blow away the last shreds of pretense that his blog Pharyngula was about science and give full vent to his demented hatred of Jesus Christ by urging his throng of equally demented followers to steal some hosts so he could desecrate them and put the whole thing on his blog. The Catholic League got involved (rightly, in my view), and Catholics, as is our custom, have been arguing about it ever since, pursuing a range of responses from complete pacifism to some rather over-the-top reactions including (you guessed it) death threats against Myers.” A rather inaccurate, emotionally-charged, and vituperative account of the situation (e.g. calling PZ "evil"). Also makes the same absurd comparison John Pieret did, i.e. desecrating a Eucharist cracker is like breaking into someone's house and stealing their children's artwork.}}{{#vardefine:keylist|{{#var:keylist}}\Text}}{{#vardefine:Text.disp|“Myers then decided to blow away the last shreds of pretense that his blog Pharyngula was about science and give full vent to his demented hatred of Jesus Christ by urging his throng of equally demented followers to steal some hosts so he could desecrate them and put the whole thing on his blog. The Catholic League got involved (rightly, in my view), and Catholics, as is our custom, have been arguing about it ever since, pursuing a range of responses from complete pacifism to some rather over-the-top reactions including (you guessed it) death threats against Myers.” A rather inaccurate, emotionally-charged, and vituperative account of the situation (e.g. calling PZ "evil"). Also makes the same absurd comparison John Pieret did, i.e. desecrating a Eucharist cracker is like breaking into someone's house and stealing their children's artwork.}} {{#xploop:{{#var:Topics}}||}} {{#xploop:{{#var:keylist}}|\n* $s$: \o#var:$s$.disp\c}}

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