User:Woozle/2008-01-03 JLF

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free i860 mp3 ringtone norton internet security 2004 version 7 serial duval county mortgage top railroad tycoon no cd mac Just so we don’t establish an equivalence between “anti-war” and “America-hating”: I think our invasion of Iraq (and continuing occupation of it) is the worst thing that has happened to America in recent years, possibly the worst thing ever (time will tell how those billions left by the roadside in Iraq, for example, will affect the economy), *and* is hurting America’s efforts to spread civilization — freedom, justice, whatever ideals you want to package in the word “civilization” — worldwide.

I do not want America to “lose” anything — but our strategy in the Middle East is like responding to fire ants crawling up your leg by smashing their anthill with the biggest mallet you can find. Yeah, that’ll show those damn insects who’s boss. Oh, wait, there are more of them… and now they’re *pissed*…

When our government didn’t like the democratically-elected government of Iran, we staged a coup and installed a monarchy. Whether or not you think that’s morally acceptable (given the circumstance of replacing a democratic government with royalty), what happened to that know-how — why couldn’t we do that with Saddam (replacing a dictator with a democracy)? Why can’t we do it with Ahmadinejad, if Iran’s nuke program is such a threat? Why is it that suddenly all we know how to do is throw massive amounts of (highly skilled and dedicated) military troops at the problem until our country is no longer adequately defended — and then a few more, when things aren’t working right?

If Iraq ever does work out *remotely* the way we want it to, it will be entirely to the credit of our armed services, and not one whit of credit to the frat boys and failed businessmen (Georgie B. and His World-Dominating Pals) who gave them a deliberately-impossible job to do.