2011 Sendai disaster/Fukushima

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One of the more disastrous effects of the 2011 Sendai disaster was the extensive damage to the Fukushima I and II nuclear power plants operated by the Tokyo Electric Power Company. (These events are also referred to as the Fukushima disaster, the Fukushima accident, etc.)

The Fukushima II (or "Daini") plant was shut down successfully (though with some concerns about radiation leakage), but the backup systems at Fukushima I (or "Da-ichi") were overwhelmed, causing several explosions and considerable radiation leakage.



to file

  • 2017-02-03 Highest radiation reading since 3/11 detected at Fukushima No. 1 reactor (via) "The radiation level in the containment vessel of reactor 2 at the crippled Fukushima No. 1 power plant has reached a maximum of 530 sieverts per hour, the highest since the triple core meltdown in March 2011, Tokyo Electric Power Co. Holdings Inc. said. [...] The high figure indicates that some of the melted fuel that escaped the pressure vessel is nearby."
  • 2012-02-21 How the Yakuza went nuclear (via): based on Tomohiko Suzuki's undercover work inside Fukushima for his book The Yakuza and the Nuclear Industry