On This Date
- 2022/11/17 11:10 UTC [L..T] The NYT's Big Piece on Puberty Blockers Mucked Up the Most Important Point About Them «It’s a common error for certain journalists to make—viewing an essential piece of transgender health care as a newfangled, untested invention that may pose grave harm.» «It’s true they have downsides and that they aren’t right for every young person with gender dysphoria—but this is true of every medication, no matter the patient population. The mainstream medical consensus is that blockers are a useful tool in treating gender dysphoria, and more data is coming in all the time to support their efficacy in the patients for whom they’re indicated.»
- 2022-11-16 Oklahoma school to start implementing clear backpack policy (h/t): because freedom, I guess
- 2022-11-05 One state mandates teaching climate change in almost all subjects – even PE -- while this is the kind of change all schools should be making.
- new project: Election Data «A datasette instance for compiling election data from across the United States.»
- Suspended NC sheriff’s reelection poses a dilemma. Should a court override voters? Unofficial election results show Jody Greene won reelection for Sheriff of Columbus County (NC) «despite an ongoing obstruction of justice probe by the State Bureau of Investigation. And despite allegations from District Attorney Jon David that the county’s senior judge found serious enough to suspend Greene from office last month.» I'd like to see exploration of why people voted for a guy known for obstruction of justice and obvious racism. Do they believe the charges are false, do they not care, are they okay with racism? I suspect I know the answers to all three questions, however, and it's just kind of disappointing that we're still there. Some parts of NC are still stuck in the 1950s.
- 2022-11-16 Youngkin proposes new history standards, critics say it is politically motivated: more anti-CRT hysteria, of course. MLK, Juneteenth, and LGBT topics removed.
- 2022-11-16 Republicans win U.S. House majority, setting stage for divided government $
- 2022-11-16 Senate votes to advance same-sex marriage bill: the bill «would enshrine same-sex marriage protections into federal law.»
- 2022-11-16 Philadelphia DA Larry Krasner impeached by Pa. House - OD News says «"Small government" Republicans succeeded in overthrowing the will of the people and impeached the recently re-elected progressive prosecutor Larry Krasner for failing to solve all the crimes despite there being not a shred of evidence that his efforts to reduce incarceration has anything to do with the deadly violence afflicting the City of Brotherly Love. It's particularly infuriating because these same Republicans are responsible for Pennsylvania's absurdly lax gun laws, which, you'll be shocked to learn, is a huge driver of violence.»
- 2022-11-16 Bass elected mayor of LA over billionaire rival in historic win «Democratic Rep. Karen Bass will be the first woman to lead Los Angeles.»
- 2022-11-16 Moms for Liberty-backed school board members fire superintendent, ban critical race theory: yet more anti-CRT hysteria. OD News says: «A radical, right-wing, dark-money-fueled group called "Moms for Liberty" funded six candidates who successfully took over the Berkeley County school board and immediately ran roughshod through the district, banning "CRT" from the curriculum [...], establishing a book-banning committee, and unceremoniously firing the district's first Black superintendent.»
- 2022-11-15 Her miscarriage left her bleeding profusely. An Ohio ER sent her home to wait «an Ohio hospital — hamstrung by the state's disastrous new ban on abortion care — refused to treat her for the heavy bleeding from a miscarriage that was confirmed weeks before.»
- 2022-11-17 Elon Musk has lied for 27 years about his credentials. He does not have a BS in Physics, or any technical field. Did not get into a PhD program. Dropped out in 1995 & was illegal. Later, investors quietly arranged a diploma - but not in science. (h/t) (long thread with evidence)