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Showing 20 pages using this property.
10 Big Companies That Pay No Taxes  +
12 Ways To Use Saul Alinsky's Rules For Radicals Against Liberals  +
14 propaganda techniques Fox "News" uses to brainwash Americans  +
1500-Year-Old Bible Discovered In Turkey Indicates Jesus Christ Was Not Crucified  +
2 bulls euthanized during Cliven Bundy cattle roundup  +
2 cows died, 4 others euthanized during Bundy roundup  +
20 Deadliest Gun States  +
234 Girls Kidnapped from Physics Test  +
3/4 of Hobby Lobby's investment funds include contraception, abortion services  +
5 Insane Lessons from My Christian Fundamentalist Childhood  +
8 grams of thorium could replace gasoline in cars  +
9 Huge Government Conspiracies That Actually Happened  +
A 2011 Study Exploded One Of The Biggest Fears About Raising The Minimum Wage  +
A Big Push On Social Security  +
A Blood Libel on Our Civilization  +
A Company Liberals Could Love  +
A Farewell To Backyard Chickens and Beekeepers  +
A Gorgeous Woman Shakes Her Body On Stage  +
A New Fake Report On Climate Change  +
A Stillborn Child, A Charge of Murder and the Disputed Case Law on Fetal Harm  +