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Revision as of 16:22, 15 April 2011

A bit of philosophy

The thing I find most frustrating about all the existing grassroots organizations is that they only seem to see us -- their mailing list entries -- as potentially open wallets.

This is a well-done video by MoveOn. It contains a lot of really useful information about the deficit, presented in an easily-graspable way. But where on their web site is all this information pulled together, preferably in both raw and cooked forms?

The brass tacks

Before planning a battle, it's important to know what your resources are. This will determine what strategies you have available.

  • who is involved/interested, and to what degree?
  • what are people's strengths and specialties: ideas? strategizing? networking? business/financial management?
  • what kind of resources (financial and otherwise) does each person have that they are willing to make available for revolutionary purposes (and under what conditions)?
  • where are we located geographically? (exact addresses optional)

The important part of this, though, is who are we?:

  • Who else can I talk to when I want to brainstorm or suggest a plan or philosophize?
  • If we come up with some coordinated action that we can take (whether that's something effortless and purely symbolic, signing a petition, or each contributing 1% of our income towards a hostile takeover of Fox News), what kind of numbers will we be looking at?
  • If something is (or could be) happening in a certain geographical area, who might be nearby to get involved?

There are more questions that could be asked, but those are probably the most important ones.