Difference between revisions of "Privilege"

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* '''2015-05-22''' [http://thewireless.co.nz/articles/the-pencilsword-on-a-plate The Pencilsword: On a plate]: comic explaining how privilege works in the [[US/education|American educational system]]

Revision as of 01:10, 31 May 2015


A privileged cat

Privilege is a personal attribute assigned by society which allows the bearer unwritten freedom or power not available to others.

There are two major types of privilege:

  • individual privilege (e.g. being born into a wealthy family)
  • group privilege (being a member of a group that is given special accommodations)


In modern Western society:

  • If a man gives instructions in a business or academic environment, people are more likely to take him seriously than if the instructions are given by a woman. (This is but one of many examples of male privilege.)
  • An unknown woman is more likely to be trusted than an unknown man, especially if pets or children are involved. example
  • Christian privilege



  • Wikipedia
  • ConservapediaConservapedia is an unreliable source.: entire content is "A privilege is a benefit or advantage to certain persons beyond the advantages of other persons, e.g., an exemption, immunity, power, etc." as of 2015-02-22
  • RationalWiki

