Death penalty

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Revision as of 23:25, 28 July 2006 by Woozle (talk | contribs) (→‎Points: attrib for Midian comment; changed Points to Comments; added comment about miscarriage of justice)
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The death penalty refers to the legal killing of a person as punishment for crime. It is widely considered to be inhumane, and is illegal in many parts of the world but not in the United States.




  • How can anyone who claims to be "pro-life" support the death penalty? Many apparently do.
  • Midian says: The Death Penalty is about vengeance, revenge, an eye for an eye. While I agree there are some who have no value for human life and cannot be rehabilitated, killing is wrong, no matter who is doing it, including the government.
  • One major problem with the death penalty is that it makes no allowance for miscarriages of justice to be rectified later (i.e. someone is executed and then later found to be innocent) and this does happen on a fairly regular basis, from what I understand. --Woozle 19:25, 28 July 2006 (EDT)