
From Issuepedia
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Autism is mainly an issue in that it has recently taken on epidemic proportions. One source quotes the U.S. Federal Government as saying the autism rate is now one in 166.

A key point of contention is the argument put forward by some parents that childhood vaccinations seemed strongly linked to early regression in children later diagnosed with autism; the scientific community in general has firmly rejected this theory.

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many (all?) of these links should be moved to autism vaccination theory


An oft-cited study is Thomas Verstraeten's 2000 study which "found a significant risk for neurological developmental disorders at age 3 months, as babies received increased amounts of thimerosal, and the risk of autism rose 2.48 times greater for infants getting higher amounts of the product, compared to infants who received thimerosal-free vaccines." However, Verstraeten issued another report in 2003 contradicting this conclusion.