Revision as of 16:55, 20 July 2011 by Woozle (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{page/link|editorial}} * '''link''': URL::http://www.cfr.org/us-strategy-and-politics/default-would-dim-american-power/p25486 * '''title''': [[title::Default Would Dim Ameri...")
- link: http://www.cfr.org/us-strategy-and-politics/default-would-dim-american-power/p25486
- title: Default Would Dim American Power
- author: James M. Lindsay Maurice R. Greenberg
- date: 2011-07-15]
- source: Council on Foreign Relations
- summary: A sustained default could undercut American power in four ways. The first and perhaps most certain would be to force cuts in defense spending. Second, a default would make it harder for Washington to negotiate agreements or build alliances with other countries. Third, a debt default would erode American credibility. Finally, a default could help China, Russia and other major buyers of U.S. debt accomplish something they have been trying to do for years: find an alternative investment to U.S. Treasurys.
- topics: 2011 US debt ceiling American imperialism US/mil
Sounds to me like a default might be the best thing that could possibly happen to the US (and the world). --Woozle 12:55, 20 July 2011 (EDT)