Kiwi Farms

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Revision as of 00:22, 4 September 2022 by Woozle (talk | contribs)
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Kiwi Farms is basically a trolling community.

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  • 2022-09-03 Cloudflare blocks Kiwifarms sites from using their services
    • Cloudflare: Blocking Kiwifarms: announcement
    • «Finally, we are aware and concerned that our action may only fan the flames of this emergency. Kiwifarms itself will most likely find other infrastructure that allows them to come back online, as the Daily Stormer and 8chan did themselves after we terminated them.» However, it has been pointed out that these sites are now very difficult to find on the web, as they have to keep changing domains.
    • @keffals: Our statement on Cloudflare dropping Kiwi Farms: one of the primary organizers of the #DropKiwiFarms campaign; NBC describes her as «trans Twitch streamer who has been a target of abuse by Kiwi Farms users.»
    • NBC: Internet services company Cloudflare blocks fringe message board Kiwi Farms citing 'targeted threats'
    • Ben Collins (co-author of the NBC report):
      • 19:19 «Cloudflare blocked 8chan in 2019. It made it basically unusable. It was an image board on which images could not load.»
      • 19:30 «They’re taking it well.» in response to an apparent KF-fan who compares Collins to the Stasi


news (to file)

  • 2022-09-03