Pearl Harbor attack
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The attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, was the incident which brought the United States into World War II.
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Despite the official story that the attack came as a complete surprise, there appears to be a strong historical case that top US officials:
- knew of the impending attack
- had antagonized the Japanese with the idea of encouraging them to attack
- ordered the fleet at Pearl Harbor into a configuration which would be the most heavily damaged by an air attack
- kept officers at Pearl Harbor in the dark about the latest intelligence, and generally out of the loop
- The 2001-09-11 attacks have been compared to the Pearl Harbor attack.
- The Project for the New American Century implicitly called for a "new Pearl Harbor" to help crystallize American sentiment in directions considered appropriate by the authors
- Wikipedia
- Conservapedia
- dKosopedia
SourceWatch: no article as of 2007-12-25
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