Bernie Sanders
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- Wikipedia
- Conservapedia "has a devout following, made up of many of the same people that voted for Barack Hussein Obama. He tickles his supporters' ears with all the usual Marxist claptrap; America is bad, banks are bad, equality, the middle class, minimum wage, free healthcare, free college, a government so big it will be like living in a utopia."
- SourceWatch
- 2015/05/14 [L..T] The Story of How Bernie Sanders Became Famous Will Make You Love Him Even More Now, as his campaign for president ramps up, he's already making a splash. He's in Iowa talking about the yawning gap between the rich and the poor. He's on Sunday morning talk shows talking about free college and health care. He is waging a rhetorical war against "the billionaire class," whom he believes Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton will side with at the expense of the middle class.