Liberal media bias

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The idea of liberal media bias, i.e. that there is a deliberate and calculated leftward skewing of the mainstream media, seems to be very popular in certain circles of a predominantly neoconservative flavor. (Presumably it goes without saying that the newer media, such as blogs and Wikipedia, are hopelessly mired in their liberal roots.)

also known as: liberal media conspiracy, liberal media elite, leftgatekeepers (the left media gatekeepers)


  • The Left Gatekeepers Phenomenon: "The denial that 9/11/01 was an inside job is nowhere deeper than in the traditional Left and the established Left media. Respected commentators for the Left, such as David Corn of the Nation, pooh-poohed challenges to the official story of the attack, or at most suggested complicity of the Bush administration by pointing to Saudi connections to the Bush family, all while staying within the confines of the official myth of the hijackers, crumbling skyscrapers, etc."
  • LeftGateKeepers


Actually, the left gatekeepers phenomenon would seem to be a different animal from liberal media bias, though there may be some crossover; need to split this article up.