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Showing 25 pages using this property.
"A growing body of evidence suggests that the climate is less sensitive to increases in carbon-dioxide emissions than policy makers generally assume..."  +
"A new app for French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo has been released for iOS, Android and Windows devices, letting readers worldwide get hold of a copy without queueing at newsagents. [..] The app is illustrated with the [[Charlie Hebdo/2015 shooting/next issue|current cover]], a cartoon of the prophet [[Muhammed]], in a change from the norm for Apple's notoriously censorious App Store which has previous banned satirical and controversial apps."  +
"A new scientific study from [[Princeton University|Princeton]] researcher Martin Gilens and [[Northwestern University|Northwestern]] researcher Benjamin I. Page has finally put some [[science]] behind the recently popular argument that the [[US|United States]] isn't a [[democracy]] any more. And they've found that in fact, America is basically an [[oligarchy]]."  +
"A new study estimates that 12 percent of land will be subject to drought by 2100 through rainfall changes alone; but the drying will spread to 30 percent of land if higher evaporation rates are considered."  +
"A nine-month-old boy charged with planning a murder, threatening police and interfering with state affairs in [[Pakistan]] has been granted bail after appearing in court this week."  +
"A panel on the [[Fox News]] Saturday business show ''Cashin' In'' [[rhetorical violence|entertained the thought of a hypothetical assassination]] of former Secretary of State [[Hillary Clinton]] on Saturday to assert that the media did not place enough focus on her comments about [[2012 Benghazi attack|Benghazi]], which the group took out of context."  +
"A poster of a young child has appeared in north-west Pakistan to raise awareness of the numerous drone attacks the region suffered. Artists who created the image hope military commanders will think twice about shooting after seeing the portrait."  +
"A report by the German newspaper ''[[Bild]]'' reveals that specialists from the US [[US/gov/CIA|Central Intelligence Agency]] and the [[US/gov/FBI|Federal Bureau of Investigation]] are assisting the [[Ukraine|Ukrainian]] government in the fight against the pro-Russian separatists in the east."  +
"A sepia print of an Indian woman, a Japanese woman and a woman from Syria, dated 1885. What do they have in common? Extraordinarily, each was the first licensed female medical doctor in their country of origin."  +
"A sizable coalition of technology companies has today taken a stand in favor of [[internet neutrality|net neutrality]] in the form of a letter to the [[US/gov/FCC|Federal Communications Commission]]. The group, led by giants including [[|Amazon]], [[eBay]], [[Facebook]], [[Google]], [[Microsoft]], [[Netflix]], [[Twitter]], and [[Yahoo]], challenges a proposal the FCC is considering that threatens net neutrality."  +
"A study using data from monitoring stations designed to enforce a nuclear test ban treaty shows that the Earth is enduring far more dangerous [[asteroid/impact|asteroid impact]]s than previously thought."  +
"A two-judge bench of the Supreme Court of [[India]], after hearing the petition filed by the National Legal Services Authority, passed a historic judgement on [[transgenderism|Transgender]] [[human rights|Rights]] on April 15, 2014."  +
"A vinyl peace sign installed at a playground in Mystic, Connecticut, dedicated to a victim of the [[Sandy Hook massacre|Sandy Hook shooting]] was stolen last week by a man claiming that the Newtown massacre never happened."  +
"A week after public outrage helped force [[NBC]]'s reversal of a decision to pull veteran reporter [[Ayman Mohyeldin]] out of [[Gaza]], the sole [[Palestine|Palestinian]] contributor to sister network [[MSNBC]] has publicly criticized its coverage of the [[Israel-Palestine conflict]]. "We are disgustingly biased when it comes to this issue," [[Rula Jebreal]] said Monday on MSNBC's Ronan Farrow Daily, citing a disproportionate amount of Palestinian voices and a preponderance of [[Israel]]i government officials and supporters."  +
"Abdallah Zekri, head of the [[National Observatory Against Islamophobia]], said that in a 48-hour period after the [[Charlie Hebdo/2015 shooting|Wednesday massacre at ''Charlie Hebdo'']], 16 places of worship around France were [[Islam/violence/on|attacked]] by firebombs, gunshots or pig heads]]."  +
"Accuracy varies significantly across major cable news outlets. All of them can take steps to improve their coverage of climate science." [[Fox News]] was worst (misleading 70% of the time), and [[MSNBC]] was best (completely accurate 92% of the time); when inaccurate, Fox tended to disparage [[global warming]] while MSNBC tended to overstate the case for it. [[CNN]]'s misrepresentations were mainly along the lines of representing the issue as still being under serious debate.  +
"Advocacy groups are leading the campaign to crush marijuana prohibition from coast-to-coast, and 83-year-old [[George Soros|Soros]] is helping line the pockets of those making that push."  +
"After a previously undetected, 65-foot-wide asteroid exploded over Russia in February 2013, unleashing the force of 500,000 tons of TNT, [[US/gov/NASA|NASA]] launched a series of contests for smart folks around the globe to come up with ways to keep an eye on [[asteroid]]s that could [[asteroid/impact|threaten Earth]]."  +
"After years of predicting it would happen -- and after years of having their suggestions largely ignored by companies, farmers and regulators -- scientists have documented the rapid evolution of corn rootworms that are resistant to [[Bt corn]]."  +
"An analysis of temperature data since 1500 all but rules out the possibility that [[global warming]] in the industrial era is just a natural fluctuation in the earth's climate, according to a new study by McGill University physics professor Shaun Lovejoy."  +
"An investigation by the Republican-led House Intelligence Committee has concluded that the CIA and U.S. military responded appropriately to [[2012 Benghazi attack|the attacks on U.S. facilities in Benghazi, Libya, in 2012]], dismissing allegations that the [[Obama-Biden administration|Obama administration]] blocked rescue attempts during the assault or sought to mislead the public afterward."  +
"And then there came a day when you started writing about your own llamas. Unsurprisingly, you didn't choose to write about the soft, downy, non-cannibalistic ones you actually met, because you knew no one would find those 'realistic.'"  +
"Annie Kevans, who first painted well-known men as boys, is now portraying [[erasure of women|women who should have been famous]]."  +
"April 19 is the 21st anniversary of the holocaust which ended the 51-day standoff between followers of the [[Branch Davidians]] and federal authorities in Waco, Texas. Though it calmed down before any violence took place, all last week the news cycle was consumed with talk of a comparable, [[Cliven Bundy/BLM dispute/standoff|potentially bloody confrontation]] between supporters of lawbreaking cattle rancher [[Cliven Bundy]] and [[US/Bureau of Land Management|Bureau of Land Management]] (BLM) agents in Nevada."  +
"Arts and crafts giant [[Hobby Lobby]] Stores Inc. announced on Monday that effective immediately, the [[minimum wage]] for its full-time hourly employees at its stores and affiliate Hemisphere was increased to $14. The hourly wage for part-time employees was also increased to $9.50."  +

Showing 1 related entity.