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Christianity is currently one of the world's most popular and well-funded religions.
Main article: /mythology
Key elements of Christianity include belief in a single male creator-deity (God) who sent his only son (Jesus Christ) to "redeem" humans from sin, meaning that believers need to accept the son as their savior or else spend the rest of eternity after they die in a place of eternal torment.
Christianity shares God (but not Jesus) and about half of their scripture with Judaism; they also to some extent share God with Islam, albeit under a different name.
- /mythology
- /violence by and against Christians
- /terrorism by Christians
- /persecution actual and claimed
- /positions: position statements by various Christian organizations
- /privilege: how Christianity is given more leeway than other religions
- Wikipedia
- Conservapedia
"the only religion that emphasizes faith rather than a mere belief system, and brings God closest to mankind through Jesus as the Son of God."
- dKosopedia
SourceWatch: no equivalent page (as of 2015-01-29)- RationalWiki "Primary disagreements [among sects] include: the nature of God, the role of church authority, the validity of various texts, and the question of how people can "access" God."
- Understanding Christianity by Jennifer Diane Reitz: salvation-through-Jesus as a protection racket
Filed Links
- 2014/07/01 [L..T] Hobby Lobby Made Fight a Matter of Christian Principle «For the family behind Hobby Lobby, fighting the Affordable Care Act's contraceptives mandate all the way to the Supreme Court was a calling, not a choice.»
- 2014/06/03 [L..T] Alabama Bible school puts Hitler quote on billboard to encourage youth indoctrination "A Christian ministry in Alabama said this week that it would remove a billboard with a quote by Adolf Hitler that it had used to promote its work with children."