Dinesh D'Souza
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- Wikipedia
- Conservapedia
: short article mentions D'Souza's work "exposing the contradictions and hypocrisy of atheists"
- dKosopedia: D'Souza works in the "increasingly crowded but clearly shrinking market for wingnut denunications of liberal America"
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- RationalWiki
Filed Links
- 2014/02/21 [L..T] From the fringe to the Hill It's alarmingly common to hear congressional Republicans repeat some deeply odd conspiracy theories. But more often than not, the theories didn't start on Capitol Hill; they just ended up there.
- 2007/04/20 [L..T] Why, what a vile little man “I speak of Dinesh D'Souza, who seems to have noticed that his creepy and dishonest tirade against atheists won him some attention, so now he has upped the ante, and gotten even creepier and more dishonest.”