Dominance mandate
A dominance mandate is an ideological belief that non-belief in the given ideology is intolerable. Adherents to any ideology which includes a dominance mandate must, at a minimum, work to convert others whenever possible. More extreme dominance mandates hold that those who leave the faith (apostasy) must be punished or even killed; the most extreme forms hold that those who cannot be converted (infidels) must also be killed.
Dominance mandates are generally found in more right-wing, authoritarian forms of religion such as Islam and the more conservative forms of Christianity.
Dominance mandates are definitionally incompatible with tolerance, although their ideological supporters will often use the tolerance-based arguments in support of their intolerance.
As a memetic trait, a dominance mandate obviously helps to spread belief in the ideology which possesses it by encouraging already-infected carriers to infect others (and to disempower those who may have resistance to the meme).
- When two or more ideologies with dominance mandates come into contact, meme warfare inevitably results.
- A dominance mandate is a type of power structure meme, since a meme with any other purpose than power would be more interested in finding compromise for mutual benefit.