Gun control
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Gun control refers generally to the idea of restricting and monitoring public access to firearms in order to minimize the public hazard they present.
This issue is handled very differently in various countries worldwide:
- China
- Japan
- Switzerland: see cwre:Irrelevancies/Switzerland has high gun ownership and low gun crime
- United Kingdom
- United States: gun violence is high, but gun advocates (often fueled by industry groups) argue that access is a Constitutional right
- Wikipedia
- Conservapedia "Studies show that increasing lawful access to guns results in less crime[1], but liberals push gun control because it increases the dependency of voters on government for protection."
- dKosopedia "Effective gun control in some advanced industrial countries (Britain and Japan) has dramatically reduced the numbers of gun violence victims though it has not affected the violent crime rates of these or any other country."
- SourceWatch
- The Community Guide: Violence Prevention: Firearms Laws
Filed Links
- 2014/06/21 [L..T] States with Weak Gun Laws and Higher Gun Ownership Lead Nation in Gun Deaths
- 2014/06/21 [L..T] The Republic of Ireland has never had a school shooting in its history. "The Republic of Ireland has never had a school shooting in its history. Not. A. Single. One."
- 2014/04/29 [L..T] [[2014/04/29/Rick Santorum's misguided view of gun control in the Wild West|]]
- 2014/04/23 [L..T] Georgia Governor: Gun Bill Protects 'Law Abiding Citizens' "Just before signing a controversial gun bill into law, Georgia Governor Nathan Deal talks about the positive aspects of expanding locations citizens can carry firearms in the state without penalty."
- 2013/04/11 [L..T] Epidemic: Guns kill twice as many kids as cancer does
- 2013/02/01 [L..T] Gun violence research: History of the federal funding freeze "For many, it is clear that any comprehensive plan to address gun violence in the United States must include further research into this problem. The longtime concern among the science community about the freeze on federal funds for gun violence research, which has now spanned nearly two decades, has seen a renewed wave of interest and advocacy. This article reviews the history of the freeze and of responses to it by the American Psychological Association (APA) and other organizations and individuals."
- 2013/01/11 [L..T] The Hitler gun control lie "Gun rights activists who cite the dictator as a reason against gun control have their history dangerously wrong."
- 2012/12/21 [L..T] The Evolution of the NRA's Defense of Guns "Over the past few decades, the National Rifle Association has opposed most major efforts to control guns. But the organization's rhetoric and tactics against federal gun-control regulation have evolved significantly since 1934, when the first major weapons regulation – the National Firearms Act – was enacted."
- 2011/07/24 [L..T] The Secret History of Guns "The Ku Klux Klan, Ronald Reagan, and, for most of its history, the NRA all worked to control guns. The Founding Fathers? They required gun ownership – and regulated it. And no group has more fiercely advocated the right to bear loaded weapons in public than the Black Panthers – the true pioneers of the modern pro-gun movement. In the battle over gun rights in America, both sides have distorted history and the law, and there's no resolution in sight."
- 2011/01/11 [L..T] 20 Deadliest Gun States "You're five times more likely to die from a gun in Arizona than Hawaii. In the wake of the Giffords massacre, The Daily Beast ranks which states have the worst record of gun fatalities."
- 2014/04/23 [L..T] Georgia Governor: Gun Bill Protects 'Law Abiding Citizens' "Just before signing a controversial gun bill into law, Georgia Governor Nathan Deal talks about the positive aspects of expanding locations citizens can carry firearms in the state without penalty."