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- Wikipedia
- Conservapedia: "The Bible strongly and repeatedly condemns hypocrisy."
dKosopedia: no equivalent page as of 2014-03-15- RationalWiki
- 2014/03/26 [L..T] Hobby Lobby's Hypocrisy "How can the arts and crafts chain espouse Christian values when it imports products from China?"
- 2014/03/14 [L..T] WATCH: Rand Paul's Big Flip-Flop on Russia "Earlier this week, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) slammed President Barack Obama for not doing enough in response to Russian President Vladimir Putin's incursion into Crimea." In 2009, however, he said almost the exact opposite.
- 2010/07/05 [L..T] Sex, Lies and Oil Spills «A common spin in the right wing coverage of BP's oil spill is a gleeful suggestion that the gulf blowout is Obama's Katrina. .. In truth, culpability for the disaster can more accurately be laid at the Bush Administration's doorstep.»