2010-05-05 Sex, Lies and Oil Spills
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Sex, Lies and Oil Spills 2010/07/05 05:12
- URL: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/robert-f-kennedy-jr/sex-lies-and-oil-spills b 564163.html
- Posted: 2010-07-05 05:12 (date: 2010/07/05)
- Topics: Deepwater Horizon oil spill, Bush-Cheney administration, hypocrisy
- Summary: «A common spin in the right wing coverage of BP's oil spill is a gleeful suggestion that the gulf blowout is Obama's Katrina. .. In truth, culpability for the disaster can more accurately be laid at the Bush Administration's doorstep.»
- Author: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
- Where: Huffington Post
A common spin in the right wing coverage of BP's oil spill is a gleeful suggestion that the gulf blowout is Obama's Katrina.
In truth, culpability for the disaster can more accurately be laid at the Bush Administration's doorstep. For eight years, George Bush's presidency infected the oil industry's oversight agency, the Minerals Management Service, with a septic culture of corruption from which it has yet to recover. Oil patch alumnae in the White House encouraged agency personnel to engineer weakened safeguards that directly contributed to the gulf catastrophe.