James Damore/Google's Ideological Echo Chamber
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Damore's screed falls squarely within a long and hallowed tradition of misogynist pseudoscience.
The document itself is available here.
- 2017/08/19 [L..T] The truth has got its boots on: what the evidence says about Mr. Damore’s Google memo a detailed rebuttal of the supposedly-scientific arguments supporting Damore's arguments; includes links to many other rebuttals and related resources
- 2017/08/13 [L..T] Damore's Claim There Are Population-Level Differences Between the Genders Is Not The Central Problem With His Manifesto. “In response to the Damore manifesto, "Heterodox Academy", a group that includes multiple political points of view, posted that the scientific evidence is strong that there are population-level differences between the genders. However, the bare assertion that there are population-level differences between the genders is not the central problem with Damore's manifesto.”
- 2017/08/11 [L..T] From a logical point of view ... “To translate this into practical language, if the Google Manifesto was correct, then you would expect to see that Google was full of mediocre female employees, who had been hired by a process biased in their favour despite being inadequate to the task. Whatever the author of the manifesto thinks, Google does not believe this to be the case and as far as I can tell from industry blogs, it isn’t – female employees in tech are generally very good. This would, of course, be consistent with the hypothesis that the current selection process is biased against them.”
- 2017/08/11 [L..T] We've studied gender and STEM for 25 years. The science doesn't support the Google memo. “These are some issues that males simply do not have to face. The "anxiety gap" exists for a reason, and it is not about biology.”
- 2017/08/10 [L..T] James Damore's shoddy defense “I keep getting told that James Damore loves diversity. It’s the first thing he says in his manifesto. [...] Simply put, Damore's conclusions are not backed up by the scientific consensus.”
- 2017/08/10 [L..T] Google town hall meeting canceled after days of online harassment “The cancellation of the town hall meeting caps off nearly a week of escalating anxiety around the targeted harassment of various Google employees. Very shortly after Motherboard first reported the existence of a controversial memo circulating inside Google, the memo's author was identified as James Damore. (Damore was fired on Monday). Since then, various corners of the internet have targeted Googlers who have been openly critical of the memo.”
- 2017/08/09 [L..T] Sorry, Google memo man: women were in tech long before you “James Damore's controversial manifesto says women are genetically unsuited to tech roles. Doesn't he know they were the original computer programmers?”
- 2017/08/08 [L..T] The free speech absolutists have a martyr in James Damore “James Damore, the author of that dumbass Google manifesto, has been fired. Now he wants to sue Google, and all the usual suspects are howling about “Free Speech!” [but] It's absurd. This really isn’t a free speech issue.”
- 2017/08/08 [L..T] The Guy Who Wrote the 'Google Memo' Just Might Sue “The former Google employee who was fired after posting a missive criticizing the company's diversity efforts calls his dismissal illegal and says he is "exploring all possible legal remedies."”
- 2017/08/08 [L..T] Conservatives Outraged After Google Fires Engineer Whose 'Manifestbro' Says Women Biologically Less Suited for Leadership “Conservatives, especially those who seemingly don't understand the First Amendment or concepts of free speech, are outraged.”
- 2017/08/08 [L..T] No, the Google manifesto isn't sexist or anti-diversity. It's science “Despite how it's been portrayed, the memo was fair and factually accurate. Scientific studies have confirmed sex differences in the brain that lead to differences in our interests and behaviour.”
- 2017/08/06 [L..T] What differentiates a good engineer from a clueless ignoramus? “Have you read the manifesto published internally at Google that has thrown many people into a tizzy? It’s amazingly stupid. Yet another blinkered male engineer babbling about his biases as if they are factual.”
- 2017/08/05 [L..T] Exclusive: Here's The Full 10-Page Anti-Diversity Screed Circulating Internally at Google (Updated) Article reports the full text of the memo, minus some graphics and links. “I value diversity and inclusion, am not denying that sexism exists, and don’t endorse using stereotypes. When addressing the gap in representation in the population, we need to look at population level differences in distributions. If we can’t have an honest discussion about this, then we can never truly solve the problem.”
- 2017/08/05 [L..T] So, about this Googler’s manifesto. “You have probably heard about the manifesto a Googler (not someone senior) published internally about, essentially, how women and men are intrinsically different and we should stop trying to make it possible for women to be engineers, it’s just not worth it.”