Pulse Massacre/denialism
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- 2016-06-13 Orlando False Flag: Three Smoking Guns you need to watch Right Now (implied approval)
- 2016-06-20 Fake Orlando Shooting – Gun Control Propaganda (implied approval)
- Orlando Nightclub Shooting Discrepancies, Lies, Actors, Scripts & More! (implied approval)
- "Omar Mateen" Orlando Shooter EXPOSED/He Is An ACTOR!! 1000% proof
- Orlando Shooting HOAX: Crisis Actor Returns Gun BAN Agenda EXPOSED (Redsilverj)
- The Secret AGENDA Behind The Orlando Mass Shooting (2016)
- Media admits Omar Mateen, Orlando Pulse Gay Club false flag shooter worked for NYPD & US government
- Fake Orlando Shooting | Crisis Cast | Omar Mateen, Actor?
- Orlando Shooting HOAX Desperate Crisis Actor Fake Crying EXPOSED (Redsilverj)
- Omar Mateen the shooter in the Orlando Pulse Gay Club False Flag worked for the US government
- Orlando Shooting Hoax - The Most Amazing Miracle Since Lazarus. (approval)