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Most American Christians Believe They're Victims of Discrimination 2016/06/30 17:29
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- Posted: 2016-06-30T17:29:22Z (date: 2016/06/30)
- Topics: Christianity/persecution/faux US/Christian nation Public Religion Research Institute Brookings Institution
- Summary: «Many, many Christians believe they are subject to religious discrimination in the United States. A new report from the Public Religion Research Institute and Brookings offers evidence: Almost half of Americans say discrimination against Christians is as big of a problem as discrimination against other groups, including blacks and minorities. Three-quarters of Republicans and Trump supporters said this, and so did nearly eight out of 10 white evangelical Protestants. Of the latter group, six in 10 believe that although America once was a Christian nation, it is no longer – a huge jump from 2012.»
- author: Emma Green
- source: The Atlantic