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As predicted by many observers, especially towards the end of his time in office, Trump and his team developed plans to ensure he stayed in office regardless of the outcome of the [[Election/2020/US/president|2020 election]], which he ultimately lost to [[Joe Biden]].
As predicted by many observers, especially towards the end of his time in office, Trump and his team developed plans to ensure he stayed in office regardless of the outcome of the [[Election/2020/US/president|2020 election]], which he ultimately lost to [[Joe Biden]].
The most visible result of these plans so far has been the [[January 6 insurrection]]. This attempt to take over the US Capitol building by force, disrupt the legitimate electoral process and have Trump declared the winner of the election even though he clearly lost, and possibly kill or injure members of Congress who opposed Trump remaining in power ([[Nancy Pelosi]] and [[Mike Pence]] were specifically targeted). Although this attempt failed, it would appear to have been no more than a practice run and part of the general plan to encourage distrust of the electoral process amongst Trump's support base.
The most visible of these efforts was the [[January 6 insurrection]] – an attempt to take over the US Capitol building by force, disrupt the legitimate electoral process and have Trump declared the winner of the election even though he clearly lost, and possibly kill or injure members of Congress who opposed Trump remaining in power ([[Nancy Pelosi]] and [[Mike Pence]] were specifically targeted). Although this attempt failed, it should be understood as part of [[Trumpist coup maneuvers|a larger effort]] by followers of [[Trumpism]] to disable the democratic process in the US and replace it with a more authoritarian system.
==Key Events==
''events are oldest to newest; articles are newest to oldest''
* '''2020.11.04''' Trump tries to claim victory, despite more than sufficient uncounted mail-in ballots to change the outcome (which they soon did)
** (2020-11-04) CNBC: [https://www.cnbc.com/2020/11/04/trump-tries-to-claim-victory-even-as-ballots-are-being-counted-in-several-states-nbc-has-not-made-a-call.html Trump tries to claim victory even as ballots are being counted in several states – NBC has not made a call]
* '''2020.11.05''' Trump tweets "STOP THE COUNT!" in an effort to feed the "stolen election" narrative.
** (2022.11.05) ''Vox'': [https://www.vox.com/2020/11/5/21550880/trump-tweet-stop-the-count-votes-presidential-election Trump's desperate "STOP THE COUNT!" tweet, briefly explained] {{fmt/quote|Trump’s real position, of course, is that only votes cast for him should be counted. His followers are on the same page, and that’s why groups of them chanted “Stop the vote!” outside government buildings in Michigan — a state where Trump led during the early part of the count on Tuesday evening, only to be surpassed by Biden as more ballots were tallied on Wednesday — while others chanted “Count the vote!” in Arizona, where Trump is trailing.}}
* '''2020.12.14''' Republicans file fake elector documents in several states in an attempt to incorrectly have those states vote for Trump instead of Biden; this plan appears to have originated with [[Rudy Guiliani]], with assistance from [[Mark Meadows]].
** (2022.05.17) DKos: [https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2022/5/17/2098551/--Repugnant-Trump-electors-in-Wisconsin-sued-the-Big-Lie-s-spread-to-the-State-Department Bunk electors for Trump sued; State had sit-down on Jan. 6 with Trump activists] {{fmt/quote|So-called alternate electors in Wisconsin for former President Donald Trump have been slapped with a lawsuit demanding $2.4 million in damages as two legitimate electors for the state now allege the Trump activists were part of a destructive civil conspiracy that “laid the groundwork” for the violence of Jan. 6. / The hefty sum is not the only prize the plaintiffs, Khary Penebaker, Mary Arnold, and Bonnie Joseph are after, however. Crucially, they say, they also want the court to disqualify the bunk electors from ever serving in their positions again.}}
** (2022.05.11) DKos: [https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2022/5/11/2097410/-Report-Electors-for-Trump-in-Georgia-interviewed-by-state-prosecutors Report: Prosecutors are now interviewing 'Trump electors' in Georgia]
** (2022.01.31) DKos: [https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2022/1/31/2077780/-An-alternate-elector-for-Trump-now-running-for-Senate-offers-thin-defense-of-bunk-certification Pro-Trump 'alternate elector' explains why he signed false records]: [[Jim Lamon]], now a candidate for an Arizona seat in the US Senate, said that {{fmt/quote|"Republican electors put forth a valid document" and that their certification as Republican electors was expressly made so that if the election certification were overturned, "there would be no excuse not to recognize those electors."}}
** (2022.01.27) DKos: [https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2022/1/27/2077098/-Draft-executive-order-for-military-takeover-of-elections-shows-deep-involvement-of-Trump-legal-team Sidney Powell's fingerprints are on false claims of election fraud and fake slates of electors]
** (2022.01.27) DKos: [https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2022/1/27/2077096/-Michigan-Referral-Sites-Possible-Fraud-To-Justify-Draft-Trump-Executive-Order Michigan Referral Cites Possible Fraud To Justify Draft Trump Executive Order] {{fmt/quote|The [especially] interesting part is the 4th paragraph of the letter.  It notes that the December 16 draft executive order to have the military seize all election machines relied heavily on a “debunked report” regarding [[Dominion Voting Systems|Dominion]] voting machines.  The question is who prepared that report, and for what purpose.}}
** (2022.01.25) DKos: [https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2022/1/25/2076786/-GOP-s-fake-elector-certifications-were-fit-to-submit-and-all-caught-in-the-rigging GOP's fake elector certifications were fit to submit, and got caught in the rigging]: mainly useful for the source-links it contains
** (2022.01.22) DKos: [https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2022/1/25/2076817/-Reminder-the-trump-Campaign-was-explicitly-behind-fake-electors-scheme Update** Video evidence the Trump Campaign was behind fake, "alternate" electors scheme]: [[Stephen Miller]] stated, in a 2021-12-14 interview on [[Fox News]], that {{fmt/quote|an alternate slate of electors in the contested states is going to vote and we’re going to send those results up to Congress.}}
** (2022.01.19) Rachel Maddow: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7Xn_tgLrZY Fake Trump Elector Scheme Draws The Attention Of More State Attorneys General]
** (2022.01.18) Rachel Maddow: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPfcI9WYZzQ Mike Pence Script Change Seems To Address Fake Trump Elector Scheme] (video, 6:41)
** (2022.01.11) Rachel Maddow: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wq1HGGLWdEA Republicans In At Least Three States Filed Forged Elector Letters]
* '''2020.12.16''' Trump drafts, but never signs, an executive order that would have directed the defense secretary to seize voting machines
** (2022.02.02) Daily Beast: [https://www.thedailybeast.com/trumps-wild-plan-to-seize-voting-machines-investigated-by-riot-panel-says-report And Now Jan. 6 Riot Panel Is Investigating Trump Plan to Seize Voting Machines, Too] {{fmt/quote|the ''Times'' reports that the Capitol riot panel is investigating the extent of Trump's direct involvement in the planned seizure of voting machines. Committee member Rep. [[Adam Schiff]] (D-CA) said: "We want to fully flesh out the facts: How close did this come to being operationalized? What kind of pushback did they receive? Who was a part of this particular scheme? We want to answer all those questions."}}
** (2022.01.23) DKos: [https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2022/1/23/2076309/-Analyst-says-draft-executive-order-Trump-considered-could-have-led-to-coup-d-tat Analyst says draft executive order Trump considered could have led to 'coup d'état'] {{fmt/quote|Terrorism analyst Malcolm Nance told MSNBC if Trump had issued the executive order, it would've been "immediately dismissed" by every officer in the armed forces because it is an "unlawful order." The bigger problem, he said, is what would've happened if National Guard units from states in favor of Trump were ordered by their governors to do what the armed forces couldn’t. "This is literally the definition of a Latin American or Sub-Saharan African style coup d'état," Nance said.}}
** (2022.01.22) Politico: [https://www.politico.com/news/2022/01/21/read-the-never-issued-trump-order-that-would-have-seized-voting-machines-527572 Read the never-issued Trump order that would have seized voting machines], along with a draft of a next-day speech that he never gave. {{fmt/quote|In the year since the riot, Trump’s recent characterization of the attack has veered wildly from that sentiment in the draft remarks. The former president has described the 2020 election as “the insurrection” and Jan. 6, 2021, as “the Protest.”}}
* '''2021.01.02''' Trump phones Georgia Secretary of State [[Brad Raffensperger]], urging him to illegally "find votes" sufficient to declare Biden the loser (which he wasn't). Raffensperger declines to act on this request.
** (2021.01.03)
*** CNN: [https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/03/politics/donald-trump-brad-raffensperger-call-washington-post/index.html In call, Trump demands Georgia officials 'find' votes to tilt election]
*** CNN: [https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/03/politics/trump-brad-raffensperger-phone-call-transcript/index.html Read the full transcript and listen to Trump's audio call with Georgia secretary of state]
* '''2021.01.05''' [[Trump self-coup strategy document]] circulated by [[Mark Meadows]]
* '''2021.01.06''' [[January 6 insurrection]]
* '''2022.08.19''' a federal judge rejects Senator [[Lindsey Graham]]'s request to delay testimony regarding Trump's "find votes" fraud attempt in Georgia
** ''AP:'' [https://apnews.com/article/2022-midterm-elections-donald-trump-georgia-presidential-atlanta-0a24f764318492bcf9388c1541c44ec2 Graham effort to delay testimony in election probe rejected]
More dangerously, the Trumpists are now working hard to put obedient supporters into key positions within the electoral system where they can dishonestly claim Trumpist candidates won even when they did not. Using false claims of rampant [[voter fraud]] and that the 2020 election was stolen as justification, they have also pushed for draconian changes to state election laws giving them more and direct control over the process. A great deal now hangs on how far they can get with this by the time of the [[Election/2022/US/|2022 midterm elections]].
The Trumpist plans are also completely in sync with the longstanding Republican strategy of disempowering voters unlikely to support them, through various [[vote suppression]] methods including restricting poll access, voter intimidation, voter ID requirements, and [[gerrymandering]].
==Key Events==
* '''2021/03/25-''' [[US/GA/2021 county election board purge]]
* '''2021/01/06''' [[January 6 insurrection]]
* '''2021/01/05''' [[Trump self-coup strategy document]]
* '''2021/01/02''' Trump phones Georgia Secretary of State [[Brad Raffensperger]], urging him to illegally "find votes" sufficient to declare Biden the loser (which he wasn't). Raffensperger declines to act on this request.
** '''2021/01/03'''
*** [https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/03/politics/donald-trump-brad-raffensperger-call-washington-post/index.html In call, Trump demands Georgia officials 'find' votes to tilt election]
*** [https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/03/politics/trump-brad-raffensperger-phone-call-transcript/index.html Read the full transcript and listen to Trump's audio call with Georgia secretary of state]
* '''2022-01-10''' NC Policy Watch: [https://ncpolicywatch.com/2022/01/10/conservative-groups-target-state-local-voter-registration-rolls-with-multiple-lawsuits/ Conservative groups target state, local voter registration rolls with multiple lawsuits] {{fmt/quote|North Carolina’s voter rolls are like a refrigerator that needs to be cleared periodically of rotting milk and other items past their expiration date, according to Jason Torchinsky.}} Why? [[Honest Elections Project]]
* '''2022-09-24''' [https://apnews.com/article/2022-midterm-elections-technology-lawsuits-donald-trump-voting-6a1324cc6cf45c95ca086a5c81617b15 Georgia voting equipment breach at center of tangled tale] {{fmt/quote|The tale of [https://apnews.com/article/2022-midterm-elections-technology-donald-trump-voting-92c0ace71d7bee6151dd33938688371e breached voting equipment] in one of the country’s most important political battleground states involves a bail bondsman, a prominent attorney tied to former President Donald Trump’s attempts to overturn the 2020 presidential election and a cast of characters from a rural county that rarely draws notice from outsiders.}}
* '''2022-01-04''' NPR: [https://www.npr.org/2022/01/04/1069232219/heres-where-election-deniers-and-doubters-are-running-to-control-voting Here's where election-denying candidates are running to control voting]
* '''2022-09-13''' [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5F-9vpwDhM We Predicted Every Insane, Criminal Step Down Nutball Treason Highway To January 6th] (video, 13:04, The Late Show with Stephen Colbert): a good rundown of some of the key events
* '''2021-12-21''' [https://www.augustachronicle.com/story/news/2021/12/21/lincoln-county-attempts-eliminate-six-polling-places/8970073002/ Lincoln County looks to eliminate all polling places but one] {{fmt/quote|The move was made possible after the Georgia General Assembly passed legislation earlier this year disbanding the Lincoln County Board of Elections. The chief sponsor of Senate bills 282 and 283 was Sen. Lee Anderson, R-Grovetown, whose district includes Lincoln County. The newly-appointed board agreed to move forward with the “consolidation” plan and was expected to vote on it last week, but appeared to lack a quorum, several said.}}
* '''2022-09-01''' [https://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/ny-ginni-thomas-wisconsin-election-20220901-sq5sst32xncutkg4tgc5a55iam-story.html Ginni Thomas, wife of Supreme Court justice, urged lawmakers to overturn Biden’s win in Wisconsin] {{fmt/quote|...Thomas worked behind the scenes to overturn the results of the 2020 election in at least two states, according to the Washington Post...}} {{fmt/quote|...also reportedly reached out to nearly 30 GOP lawmakers in Arizona after the 2020 election, looking for their help in keeping former president Donald Trump in office.}}
* '''2021-12-20'''
* '''2022-04-20''' DKos: [https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2022/4/20/2092991/-Ginni-Thomas-s-texts-to-Meadows-reveal-connection-to-another-highly-placed-conspiracy-theorist New report identifies another strand in Ginni Thomas' web of efforts to overturn the 2020 election]
** ''Daily Beast'': [https://www.thedailybeast.com/steve-bannon-threatens-to-take-over-entire-us-election-apparatus Steve Bannon Threatens to Take Over Entire U.S. 'Election Apparatus']
* '''2022-04-19''' ABC: [https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/legal-challenge-bar-rep-marjorie-taylor-greene-ballot/story?id=84162725 Legal challenge to bar GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene from ballot can continue, judge rules]
** ''Newsweek'': [https://www.newsweek.com/2021/12/31/millions-angry-armed-americans-stand-ready-seize-power-if-trump-loses-2024-1660953.html Millions of Angry, Armed Americans Stand Ready to Seize Power If Trump Loses in 2024]
* '''2022-04-18''' DKos: [https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2022/4/18/2092610/-Sunday-shows-AWOL-on-story-of-Sen-Mike-Lee-s-coup-conspiring Sitting senator shown to have colluded in coup attempt. Sunday shows yawn]: [[Mike Lee]]
*** [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-faO1Vc9-FI Let's talk about the Newsweek article and Trump....] (video, 7:57, Beau of the Fifth Column): argues that the article was kind of irresponsible in that it could encourage others to rally around this cause by giving it credibility and failing to put the numbers in context
* '''2022-04-15'''
* '''2021-12-18''' ''Washington Post'' opinion: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/12/17/eaton-taguba-anderson-generals-military/ 3 retired generals: The military must prepare now for a 2024 insurrection]{{icon/paywall}} ([https://web.archive.org/web/20211218041501/https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/12/17/eaton-taguba-anderson-generals-military/ archive.org]) ([https://twitter.com/nick_ramsey/status/1471981599583526917 via], [https://toot.cat/@anubis2814/107470228482966751 via])
** CNN: [https://www.cnn.com/2022/04/15/politics/read-mark-meadows-texts-mike-lee-chip-roy/index.html READ: Mark Meadows' texts with Mike Lee and Chip Roy]
** '''2021-12-31''' [https://www.npr.org/2021/12/31/1068930675/us-election-coup-january-6-military-constitution Retired general warns the U.S. military could lead a coup after the 2024 election]
*** DKos: [https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2022/4/15/2092113/-New-texts-expose-pro-Trump-lawmakers-push-to-overturn-election-before-sh-tshow-at-Capitol Texts show they were all for Trump overturning the election – until a lack of evidence got in the way]
** '''2021-12-21''' [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUTuBI3j2pg Let's talk about the op-ed from the generals....] (video, 11:04, Beau of the Fifth Column)
* '''2022-02-01''' DKos: [https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2022/2/1/2078055/-Fani-Willis-I-am-conducting-a-criminal-investigation-of-former-President-Donald-J-Trump Fani Willis: 'I am conducting a criminal investigation of former President Donald J. Trump']
* '''2021-12-14'''
* '''2022-01-31'''
** Daily Kos: [https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2021/12/14/2069251/-Trump-supporters-taking-the-big-lie-door-to-door-with-vigilante-tactics-voter-harassment The DOJ has warned them, but Trump supporters continue to go door-to-door demanding voter info]
** ''AJC'': [https://www.ajc.com/news/atlanta-news/breaking-fulton-da-seeks-fbis-aid-as-trump-probe-advances/OSABSTUVHBATPPMQCU7LXSXMV4/ Fulton DA seeks FBI’s aid as Trump probe advances] {{fmt/quote|Trump on Saturday described investigators in Georgia, New York and Washington as "radical," "vicious" and "racist" and called for major protests if prosecutors "do anything wrong or illegal."}} It's clear by now that Trump has his own non-reality-based idea of what is "legal", unfortunately.
** Axios: [https://www.axios.com/secstate-races-campaign-cash-magnet-ab2ef4c7-ed46-4a12-8ff2-ef4ace9f0016.html Secretary of State races become fundraising cash magnet]
** DKos: [https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2022/1/31/2077755/-Fulton-County-DA-asks-FBI-for-help-as-Trump-tries-to-incite-the-next-Jan-6 Trump is trying to incite violence against prosecutors investigating him. One has turned to the FBI] {{fmt/quote|"These prosecutors are vicious, horrible people. They're racists and they're very sick—they're mentally sick,” Trump said, referring to multiple investigations he faces. “They're going after me without any protection of my rights from the Supreme Court or most other courts. In reality, they're not after me, they're after you."}} Trump also carefully fails to understand how prosecution works or how grand juries work.
* '''2021-12-06'''
* '''2022-01-23''' ''Salon'': [https://www.salon.com/2022/01/23/former-aide-boris-epshteyn-brazenly-admits-to-fake-elector-scheme-on-national-tv_partner/ Former Trump aide Boris Epshteyn admits to fake elector scheme on national TV] {{fmt/quote|Epshteyn went on to claim that "everything that was done was done legally, by the Trump legal team, according to the rules, and under the leadership of (Trump lawyer) [[Rudy Giuliani]]."}}
** ''The Atlantic'': [https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2022/01/january-6-insurrection-trump-coup-2024-election/620843/ Trump’s Next Coup Has Already Begun] (long) {{fmt/quote|January 6 was practice. Donald Trump’s GOP is much better positioned to subvert the next election.}}
* '''2022-01-13''' Rachel Maddow: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJx-m6v4bTU Fake Elector Struggles To Explain Role In Scheme To Submit False Election Papers] (video, 3:52) The title is too charitable; [[Jake Hoffman]] insists that "you would need to ask the Party chair" how he was invited to sign the fake elector documents, even though the question is about his own direct experience.
** AP News: [https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-elections-wisconsin-voting-election-2020-5f799879afe2b8cad2daa0d7b494affa Trump-tied group pushing for voting changes in Wisconsin] {{fmt/quote|...a ballot measure that would bypass the state’s Democratic governor to change how elections are run in the battleground state.}}
* '''2022-01-12''' Rachel Maddow: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTpIRevl_Fc Similarities Suggest Coordination In Fake Elector Letters From Republicans In Five States] (video, 12:17)
* '''2021-12-01''' ''Washington Post'': [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/12/01/how-trump-backed-secretary-state-candidates-would-change-elections-america/ How Trump-backed secretary of state candidates would change elections in the United States]{{icon/paywall}} ([https://web.archive.org/web/20211210121332/https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/12/01/how-trump-backed-secretary-state-candidates-would-change-elections-america/ archive.org]) {{fmt/quote|The ultimate win for [the Trumpists] would be to put in place secretaries of state, who oversee how elections are conducted in most states and sign off on the results. More than any other category of elected official, secretaries of state could be instrumental in overturning the popular vote in their state — an unprecedented move in American history — or take other actions that throw results into question.}}
* '''2022-01-11''' Rachel Maddow: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wq1HGGLWdEA Republicans In At Least Three States Filed Forged Elector Letters]
* '''2021-11-29''' ''Washington Post'': [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-allies-election-oversight/2021/11/28/3933b3ce-4227-11ec-9ea7-3eb2406a2e24_story.html Trump allies work to place supporters in key election posts across the country, spurring fears about future vote challenges]{{icon/paywall}} ([https://web.archive.org/web/20211202000606/https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-allies-election-oversight/2021/11/28/3933b3ce-4227-11ec-9ea7-3eb2406a2e24_story.html archive.org]) {{fmt/quote|The effort goes far beyond the former president’s public broadsides against well-known Republican state officials who certified President Biden’s victory, such as Georgia Secretary of State [[Brad Raffensperger]] and Arizona Gov. [[Doug Ducey]]. Citing the need to make elections more secure, Trump allies are also seeking to replace officials across the nation, including volunteer poll watchers, paid precinct judges, elected county clerks and state attorneys general...}}
* '''2021-12-31''' ''Newsweek'': [https://www.newsweek.com/mark-meadows-trump-fake-electoral-college-january-6-committee-panel-report-1658634 Mark Meadows Worked on Creating Fake Electoral College To Overturn Election Results]
* '''2021-11-03''' AP News: [https://apnews.com/article/elections-voting-michigan-gretchen-whitmer-legislature-0c51b390408cc8c3f73c20a57fa81110 GOP chair funds Michigan ballot drive to toughen voting law] {{fmt/quote|The primary funder of a ballot drive to toughen Michigan's voter identification law and restrict mass mailings of unsolicited absentee ballot applications is [[Ron Weiser]], chairman of the state Republican Party.}}
* '''2020-11-04''' CNBC: [https://www.cnbc.com/2020/11/04/trump-tries-to-claim-victory-even-as-ballots-are-being-counted-in-several-states-nbc-has-not-made-a-call.html Trump tries to claim victory even as ballots are being counted in several states – NBC has not made a call]
* '''2021-09-09''' Daily Kos: [https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2021/9/9/2051322/-School-boards-have-become-the-latest-target-in-far-right-s-Proud-Boys-led-assault-on-democracy When Proud Boys show up at local school protests, they’re following a larger far-right blueprint]
* '''2020-11-02''' [https://www.vox.com/2020/11/2/21545670/trump-may-declare-early-election-victory-legal-challenge Trump’s possible election night plan: Claim victory before enough votes are counted] {{fmt/quote|The president has spent months depicting mail-in votes, which will take time to count, as fraudulent.}}
* '''2021-03-22''' NBC News: [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/elections/trump-endorses-challenger-ga-secretary-state-raffensperger-n1261732 Trump endorses challenger to Ga. Secretary of State Raffensperger]: Trump supports [[Jody Hice]] to replace Raffensberger
* '''2020-11-01'''
** Axs: [https://www.axios.com/2020/11/01/trump-claim-election-victory-ballots Scoop: Trump's plan to declare premature victory] {{fmt/quote|President Trump has told confidants he'll declare victory on Tuesday night if it looks like he's "ahead," according to three sources familiar with his private comments. That's even if the Electoral College outcome still hinges on large numbers of uncounted votes in key states like Pennsylvania.}}
*** ''TH'': [https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/523866-trump-plans-to-declare-victory-if-he-takes-election-night-lead-axios/ Trump plans to declare victory if he takes election night lead: Axios]
*** ''BI'': [https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-presidential-election-night-voting-ballots-2010-11 Trump has a plan to declare victory on election night: Axios report]{{icon/paywall}}

Latest revision as of 13:41, 25 September 2022


As predicted by many observers, especially towards the end of his time in office, Trump and his team developed plans to ensure he stayed in office regardless of the outcome of the 2020 election, which he ultimately lost to Joe Biden.

The most visible of these efforts was the January 6 insurrection – an attempt to take over the US Capitol building by force, disrupt the legitimate electoral process and have Trump declared the winner of the election even though he clearly lost, and possibly kill or injure members of Congress who opposed Trump remaining in power (Nancy Pelosi and Mike Pence were specifically targeted). Although this attempt failed, it should be understood as part of a larger effort by followers of Trumpism to disable the democratic process in the US and replace it with a more authoritarian system.

Key Events

events are oldest to newest; articles are newest to oldest
