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===apologia & hypocrisy===
===apologia & hypocrisy===
* '''2022-07-29''' [https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/28/politics/samuel-alito-religious-liberty-notre-dame-rome/index.html Samuel Alito mocks foreign critics of repealing Roe v. Wade in Rome speech on religious liberty] {{fmt/quote|"Religious liberty is under attack in many places because it is dangerous to those who want to hold complete power," Alito said. "It also probably grows out of something dark and deep in the human DNA -- a tendency to distrust and dislike people who are not like ourselves," he added.}} Their liberty is more important than ours. He also claimed that religion promotes "domestic tranquility."
* '''2022-05-08''' [https://www.huffpost.com/entry/republicans-anti-abortion-roe-wade_n_62781135e4b009a811c50042 Republicans Double Down On Reversing Abortion Rights, Offer Hearts To Pregnant Women]
* '''2022-05-08''' [https://www.huffpost.com/entry/republicans-anti-abortion-roe-wade_n_62781135e4b009a811c50042 Republicans Double Down On Reversing Abortion Rights, Offer Hearts To Pregnant Women]
* '''2022-05-07''' [https://www.huffpost.com/entry/clarence-thomas-accept-roe-v-wade-bullied-live-with-critics_n_6276e62ce4b0b7c8f084fe16 Critics Erupt After Clarence Thomas Tells Americans To Deal With It On Roe v. Wade]
* '''2022-05-07''' [https://www.huffpost.com/entry/clarence-thomas-accept-roe-v-wade-bullied-live-with-critics_n_6276e62ce4b0b7c8f084fe16 Critics Erupt After Clarence Thomas Tells Americans To Deal With It On Roe v. Wade]
* '''2022-05-02''' [https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/uh40k6/roe_vs_wade_overturned/ Roe Vs. Wade Overturned]
* '''2022-05-02''' [https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/uh40k6/roe_vs_wade_overturned/ Roe Vs. Wade Overturned]

Revision as of 12:02, 31 July 2022

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The "Death of Roe" refers to the now-expected overturn of the Supreme Court's landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade decision [W] which made it illegal for states to outlaw abortion. This decision has been affirmed by SCOTUS countless times since, and yet the six "conservatives" now on the GOP-packed bench see no problem in overturning what has been well-established precedent for five decades.



the decision

the leak



about what will happen after Roe is dead:


apologia & hypocrisy


counteractive measures

other consequences

  • 2022-07-13 Youngkin's biggest problem on abortion isn’t Democrats: Glenn Youngkin; 5th District Republican Rep. Bob Good: «Republicans should not be negotiating the timeline on when abortion should be permitted or when abortion is OK or when it's OK to take life in the womb. Republicans ought to stand openly, boldly, and unashamedly for life from conception and to protect all life in the womb.» They clearly consider wombs to be their property.
    • democracy.town/@MariaHill «Pay attention to these fights in states like Virginia, where even though Republicans have taken over part of state government, there are still a lot of Democrats in power. Virginia elected Republican governor Youngkin and Republicans control the state House, but Democrats still hold the state Senate. [...]»
  • 2022-06-28 Fear, Uncertainty, and Period Trackers
