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* {{rationalwiki}}
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===news (to file)===
===news (to file)===
* '''2022-09-02''' [https://www.crikey.com.au/2022/09/02/kiwi-farms-cloudflare-liz-fong-jones-internet-law/ A trans software engineer is trying to keep Kiwi Farms offline with new Australian internet powers] {{fmt/quote|Kiwi Farms operates using an IP address leased to an Australian shell company by the regional internet address registry the Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC). Kiwi Farms is operated by American company 1776 Solutions LLC. This company uses IP space assigned from Australian company Flow Chemical Pty Ltd, which does not appear to use its delegation of addresses for anything else.}}
* '''2021-06-29''' [https://gizmodo.com/the-worst-site-on-the-web-gets-ddosd-after-being-connec-1847196197 The Worst Site on the Web Gets DDoS'd After Being Connected to Prominent Developer’s Suicide] {{fmt/quote|The alleged attack comes after the site was implicated in [https://kotaku.com/the-brilliant-snes-emulator-creator-known-as-near-has-d-1847182851 the recent suicide of Near], a beloved developer in the emulator community.}}
* '''2016-07-19''' [https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2016/07/kiwi-farms-the-webs-biggest-community-of-stalkers.html Kiwi Farms, the Web’s Biggest Community of Stalkers]
* '''2016-07-19''' [https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2016/07/kiwi-farms-the-webs-biggest-community-of-stalkers.html Kiwi Farms, the Web’s Biggest Community of Stalkers]

Revision as of 23:53, 6 September 2022


Kiwi Farms (KF) is basically a trolling community.

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  • 2022-09-05 Josh Moon, owner of KF, throws in the towel
    • @erininthemorn «Josh Moon, the owners of Kiwifarms, admits defeat. Keffals, her team (many of whom will stay anonymous and will never get any thanks), the trans community, and it’s allies took down the worst site on the internet. / There truly is nothing better in this world than Nazis crying.» Moon's Tor post is shown in a screenshot -- and he tries to make this sound like a corporate victory over individualism, when the corporations involved resisted taking any action as long as there was a profit to be made and KF consistently acted to crush individuals. reality inversion
  • 2022-09-04
  • 2022-09-03 Cloudflare blocks KF sites from using their services


  • Chloe Sagal
    • 2018-06-22 Woman who set self on fire in Portland park remembered as 'brilliant and tortured' artist «Friends say Kiwi Farms followers harassed her on a variety of platforms. A friend who chose not to give his name, fearing repercussions from Kiwi Farms, said her livelihood and mental stability were destroyed by the attacks.» «"One factor that made it much harder for her to get help was that whenever she talked about suicide," [...] Kiwi Farms members "would report her Facebook page and get it locked down. This had happened multiple times in the month prior to her death."»


news (to file)