- 2022-12-12 twitter.com/avidhalaby (nitter.net, archive.org): Twitter tech fail, prelon
- 2022-12-12 Is America Blind to Trump’s Genocide?: That was when they switched to the "get back to work" narrative and cancelled any plans to provide PPE.
- 2022-12-12 Mark Meadows Exchanged Texts With 34 Members Of Congress About Plans To Overturn The 2020 Election «The Messages Included Battle Cries, Crackpot Legal Theories, And ‘Invoking Marshall Law!!’»
- 2022-12-12 The Pandemic and War — Not Government Spending — Caused Inflation, According to Nobel Prize Winner «A new paper by Ira Regmi and Joseph Stiglitz has huge implications for everything about who holds power in American life.» Formally stating the obvious, but every bit helps.
- «Faithful consumers of America’s elite media — TV news, the New York Times, the Washington Post — generally get the impression that everyone in the U.S. is on the same team.» Where in the world do they get that idea from? «This is absolutely false. The people at America’s commanding heights do not want this at all.» ... «they prefer to have less money with more relative power.» Or, as I've been saying for a decade or more, they'd rather be emperor of a dungheap than an equal in paradise.
- 2022-12-12 Hundreds of Oath Keepers Have Worked for DHS, Leaked List Shows US/gov/DHS
- 2022-12-13 Trans Man Harassed, Dehumanized in Right Wing Press After Sharing Surgical Horror Story Dr. Sidhbh Gallagher
- author says «Predictably, the mainstream media has ignored the story while the right wing had run with it, dehumanizing, misgendering, and distorting Rylan's story in the process.»