Revision as of 15:54, 23 February 2015 by Woozle (talk | contribs) (→Reference: cpedia now has an article... barely...)
ExxonMobil, colloquially referred to as just "Exxon", is the world's largest oil company.
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- Wikipedia
- Conservapedia: one-line article as of 2015-02-23
- dKosopedia unverified, site down (as of 2008-03-28)
- SourceWatch
- Exxon Secrets (alt): a Greenpeace project to expose Exxon's funding of global warming denial
- 2015/02/22 [L..T] Willie Soon is going down "Soon is a dishonest hack, one of the climate change deniers who exploited his prestigiously titled position as a researcher at the Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics (Oooh! Sciencey!) to claim authority in attacks on more credible climate scientists, and he’s been very popular on the denialist side of things. [..] Now his own boss is admitting that he violated disclosure principles by failing to reveal his industry connections."
- 2015/02/22 [L..T] Scientist Took Money From The Fossil Fuel Industry "One of the world's most prominent climate researchers publishing scientific papers that doubt humanity's role in climate change has received at least $1.2 million from the fossil fuel industry to fund his research and salary, according to documents revealed this weekend."