2007-12-26 Bush's very good year
- when: 2007-12-26
- author: Larry Kudlow
- source: Washington Times
- topics: US economy George W. Bush dead links topic:predictions
- link: http://www.washingtontimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20071226/COMMENTARY04/991383165/1012/COMMENTARY
- summary: “Against all odds, and despite the usual drumbeat of criticism, President Bush had a very good year. .. The troop surge in Iraq is succeeding. America remains safe from terrorist attacks. And the Goldilocks economy is outperforming all expectations.”
- Reposts (original link unavailable): http://www.cafemom.com/journals/read/660459/Bush_s_Very_Good_Year
Against all odds, and despite the usual drumbeat of criticism, President Bush had a very good year.
The troop surge in Iraq is succeeding. America remains safe from terrorist attacks. And the Goldilocks economy is outperforming all expectations.
At his year-end news conference, Mr. Bush said with optimism that the economy is fundamentally sound, despite the housing downturn and the subprime credit crunch. The very next day, that optimism was reinforced with news of the best consumer spending in two years. The prophets of recessionary doom, such as former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan, Republican adviser Martin Feldstein, ex-Democratic Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers, and bond-maven Bill Gross have been proven wrong once again.
Historical note: see 2008 mortgage crisis