2014/03/08/Republicans Must Make A Choice About Obamacare
- when: 2014/03/08 (2014/03/08)
- source: Talking Points Memo
- topics: Obamacare US/pol/Republican
- keywords
- link: http://talkingpointsmemo.com/dc/republicans-obamacare-choice
- title: Republicans Must Make A Choice About Obamacare: Repeal Or Relent
- summary: «The number of uninsured Americans has dropped by three to four million since Obamacare coverage took effect Jan. 1, according to a new Gallup survey. How much of the drop can be precisely attributed to the health care law is a matter of debate, though there are signs that enrollment among the uninsured is picking up.»
Every newly insured American undermines the "repeal" stance that has been the party's status quo over the last four years. But relenting, acknowledging the law won't be undone and pivoting to more of a "fix" mentality isn't going to be easy either, given the demands of the far-right.
You can't have both.
With the midterm campaigns kicking into high gear, incongruent messaging will be highlighted by the press and pounded home by Democratic candidates. The GOP has to make a choice, the same choice the party has been making over and over again during the Obama administration: Remain ideologically pure -- or recognize reality and assume more pragmatic positions.
It took them until approximately 2020 to start quietly accepting that the Medicaid expansion was a good thing...